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  I am particularly pleased to place this document here on the web. It was one of the first
that I got hold of. It has taken me quite a while to get around to transcribing it. My copy
was typed by me and dated from the early 1990's when I didn't have a computer! The
original was written on a prepared printed sheet and the original printing is represented
in italics below. I have also maintained most of the original line formating.

It was this document that first encouraged me to contact people in the USA who had the
same surname as me (Vaugh) There are three people from the US and one from Australia
named in the will. I now know who they all were.  There are links to pictures of two of
them, the third Anna Vaugh owned the house where Lilly Vaugh lodged in the 1920's
you can see more information on the Census page.

The Will of  Wilton Vaugh        12th Jan 1925 proved 1st July 1926

This is the last will and testament of me Wilton Vaugh  of Dromahair  in the County
Leitrim  made this twelfth day of January in the year of our Lord, One Thousand
Nine Hundred
and Twenty Five I Hereby revoke all Wills be me at any time heretofore
made, I appoint
My son Francis LaTouche Vaugh of 15 Palmerstown Park Dublin And
David Clarke of Carrick on Shannon To be my Executors and I direct that all my just
debts and Funeral and Testamentary Expenses shall be paid as soon as possible after
my decease. I hereby give and bequeath UNTO
My Executors

The sum of Two Hundred Pounds each free of all Duty etc for
the faithful performance of this duty I have imposed on them.
To my wife Susan Vaugh I leave Abby View
House and furniture free of rent till her marriage or death and
After either event, to my daughter Charlotte LaTouche Vaugh
She is well provided for under her marriage settlement
To my daughter Charlotte LaTouche Vaugh I leave
All my houses and lands in and around Drumahaire remaining
Unsold at my decease including Friars Farm and stock thereon
And which is all freehold --------------
To my son Francis La Touche Vaugh I leave all
my lands & houses in and around Leitrim remaining unsold
at my decease (and are mostly included in schedule now before
Irish Land Commission) including one house in Drumsna, Customs
of Leitrim fairs and some houses in the village of Leitrim
together with all my investments of every class and kind no
matter where Deposit and receipts and on current account etc
which I hope he will make a good use of excepting India
stocks which is disposed of as following.
I leave ten thousand 3 ½ per cent. India stock
Nominal which I wish to be transferred to the following persons
As they are much cheaper now than when I bought them.
Three thousand to Leah Hamilton Long Island New York
Two thousand to Mary Vaugh Croghan Co Roscommon
Two thousand to Walter Vaugh Bangor Co Down
Two thousand to Lilly Vaugh do
One thousand to Miss Mary LaTouche Drumahaire
One thousand to John Merrick Loyd Croghan a true gentleman
Should Leah Hamilton die before me then to her two children in
        Equal portions
I have ten thousand 3 per cent India
Stock nominally which I wish to dispose of in the same way
As the 3 ½ the beneficiaries can do as they like after
Five hundred to Anna Vaugh New Haven Connecticut US
Five hundred to Minnie Le Vaux Brisbane Australia
Five hundred to George Vaugh Easthampton Mass US
Five hundred to Miss Mina Frazer Birmingham
Five hundred to Melton Vaugh Taylor Riversdale Mohill
Five hundred to Mrs Martha Johnston Blackrock in case of her
        death to her daughter Irene Penrose Kingstown
Five hundred to John Black Leitrim
Five hundred to Sarah Anne Peters Leitrim my best friend
Five hundred to Jane Taylor 33 University Road Belfast
Five hundred to Lucy Hadden Castleton Gardens Belfast
Five hundred to Miss Jessie Gillmor Drumahair
Five hundred to Susan Coutts Bray
Five hundred to Wilton Farrelly and Thompson Farrelly both of
        Drumrielly in equal shares
Five hundred to Alan Paterson Maken and Miche McSharry of
        Stonepark in equal shares
Five hundred to Revd Theo Landey Dean of Killala
Five hundred to Revd Robt Mitchell Cashal Rectory
Five hundred to Revd W Peyton Vise France
Five hundred to Dean J Coulter Drumahair
[One thousand to The trustees of the Co Leitrim Protestant Orphan Society
        Interest on same only to be used each year]
All these India Stocks to be paid to beneficiaries free of all charges of every kind
Bury me in Toomna in the quietest & plainest manner possible
I appoint my son as Residuary Legatee

Signed, published and declared by the said
or as and for his Last Will and Testament
   Wilton Vaugh
in presence of us, who at h
is request in his presence, and in presence of each other, have here-
unto subscribed our names as witnesses.
Alfred G E Gillmore Dromahair  L R Tymon Dromahair

Probate granted 1st July 1926.

            © Doug Vaugh, England 4th January 2000                Wills             Mail me Doug Vaugh