The following information has traveled quite
some way, this journey started in Ireland, perhaps in the mid eighteen hundreds,
on down to Australia, back to Ireland, in 1924 over to the USA, in 1925,
back to the UK and into my possession this year, 1999. It was started by
George Victor Le Vaux, rediscovered
by his daughter Malvina La Vaux passed
to her 3rd cousin, Wilton Vaugh
of Leitrim, County Leitrim, Ireland. He read through it and added some notes
and passed it to his cousin, George Vaugh
of Massachusetts USA. Here it stayed and finally came into the hands of
his granddaughter Margaret.
Along came Jim who made contact with Margaret and was given a copy of this information, he passed it to me and now it's available for the world to see. Quite a trip both in time and distance. |
Click on this thumbnail to the right and see a copy of the original. This letter came from Malvina Longland, formally Le Vaux, she was writing to Wilton Vaugh in Leitrim, Ireland a transcript of which follows below this; |
The picture on the right is part of the address from this letter, possibly the house name? | This picture is also from the address, now you see why I have added a question mark. | |||
"Breffui" |
My Dear Cousin, Yours Sincerely, Malvina
The following six pages of information was written, possibly in Australia by George Victor Le Vaux. It is the history referred to in the letter above. If there is anyone out there who would like a copy click here to send your request via email. | ||||
The Family of Vaux Sir Thomas DeVaux or LeVaux, counselor and companion of Richard I of England, accompanied that Monarch to the Holy Land. Distinguished at Siege of Acre etc Sir William DeVaux or Vaux as the name was now written, was ennobled by Henry VIII, and is usually known as Vaux of Harwarden. He died about 1480. (Nicholas), Lord Vaux was the son of Sir William of Harwarden and is said to have been the "Incarnation of Poetry & Honor." He died in May 1524. He is said to have written many poetical and other works of more or less merit. (Thomas), Lord Vaux usually called the Poet son of Lord Nicholas of Harwarden,
accompanied Cardinal Wolsey on an Embassy to Chas V in 1527. In 1530, he was made a Baron
and 1532 accompanied King Henry the Eighth to France and took part in the festivities and
gay proceedings on the "Field of the Cloth of Gold." In 1533, he was created
Knight of the Bath and 1536, was given the Governorship of Jersey. "The Paradise of Daynty Denises" (sp.) "The Assault of Cupid" "No Pleasure Without Pain" "Of the Instability of Youth" "Of a Contented Mind" On being asked the cause of his "white head," Dr. Drake in Shakespeare & His Lives says the compositions of Lord Vaux are uniformly of a moral and pensive cast and breathe a spirit of religion and resignation often truly touching and sometimes bordering on the sublime. Some of Lord Vauxs poems appear in the Lottells (sp.) Surrey Puttenham in Ark of English Poesie (AD 1589) says _____ In the Time (sp.) of Surrey and Wyatt or not long after was the Lord Nicholas or Thomas Vaux, a man of much facility in writing vernacular poems. Lord William Vaux, son of Lord Thomas Vaux, is by some said to have been the Poet known as Lord Vaux. Lord James Vaux, second son of Lord Thomas Vaux, who in 1536 married his kinswoman, a daughter of Count DeVaux and transferred his allegiance to France, is supposed to have written some of the Vaux poems. Lord Edward Vaux, grandson of Lord William Vaux, married Elizabeth, daughter of the Earl of Suffolk and dying without a male issue. The title became extinct in 1661. Allibine (sp.) says, pg 25, 15 " __respecting the various branches of this Noble ___ indeed Royal family see sketch of a genealogical account of the family of Vaux or DeVallibus now represented in Scotland by Vens Agnew of Barnharrow in Wigton County. Published in Pembroke 1800 4 lo pp 36 (sp.) Privately printed. Amongst those who have been more or less distinguished in the world of letters
are Robert Vaux born in Philadelphia 1786 of a branch of the family that has
settled there in the days of Penn, the founder of which returned to England some years
afterwards. Robert became Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in his native city. He was a
great reformer and Philanthropist and was known in America as the Howard of his day and
country. So says Blake in his Biography. Judge Vaux published many Richard Vaux, son of Robert Vaux, was born in Philadelphia in 1817. He was Mayor of that city in 1856 and several successive years. He wrote , "Remarks on Writ of Habeas Corpus in 1843" Reports of Special Criminal Cases Heard Before Richard Vaux, recorder of Philadelphia, 1846. Reports of Committee of Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Pennsylvania, 1859-62, papers on Masonic Symbolic Teaching, in 1870, and several pamphlets on social science. William Sandy (sp.) W. Vaux born 1818 England, B.A. Oxford Miss Francis B. Vaux, London, "Domestic Pleasures of the Happy Fireside" 12 wro (sp.) 1816 London Monthly Review for 1816 I 326 says the fair author of this volume has provided instructive amusement, etc. Fred W. Vaux "Rambles in the Pyrenees" 800 London 1838 Laurence Vaux D.D. Oxford 1540. A priest of advanced views. Put in prison for religious opinions and died at Westminster 1570. About the year 1600, some of the descendents of Lord James Vaux went to England from France as their fathers had done in the good old Norman days. Some settled with or near kinsmen in England and Scotland. One of the family, named Roland, entered the Yeoman of the Guard. His grandson, Walter, cast in his lot with the Republican party during the troubles which arose between Charles I and his Parliament taking service with Cromwell, he took part in most of his campaigns and in due course, received grants of land in the counties of Leitrim, Cavan, and Roscommon where his descendents reside to this day. He lived to be 110 years of age and is buried in Kiltoghert Cemetery in Carrick on Shannon. Walter (Captain in Ironsides) James Vaux or LeVaux, grandson of Lord James Vaux was born at Jamestown in 1800. Served as volunteer with Bolivia at Peru and Bolivia and with Garabaldi in LaPlata and Bauda Oricutal (sp.), married Bedelia (sp.)Godfrey of Bouellon (sp.) a good, kind, noble hearted woman. Lived in Manchester and Seaford from 1840 to 1845. Had two sons, George V. and James and four daughters, Jane, Marie, Ellen, and Kate. Died of paralysis contracted from wounds and exposure in military service in South America. Died on February 28, 1854 and buried in White Church 2nd of March 1854, borne to the grave by his three brothers and only living son, a child of 12. He was a tall powerful looking man strongly resembling the Duke of Wellington in features, a gallant, noble-hearted man - brave as a lion ever ready to resent an injury or reward a service. George Victor LeVaux, born 8th May 1842 Manchester, childhood in Sleaford (sp.) and Lincoln. Author of "Twin Records of Creation 1867" "Science and Art of Teaching" 1875 and several essays on general subjects. Served in the 5th Cazadons (sp.) Garabaldine 1860. Present at LaScala, Palermo, Volturno Oct. 3rd 1860. Military School, Toronto 1867. Author, teacher, traveler, always sad, lonely, and alone as a child of destiny who hoped too much from Heaven and thought too little of self. One who scorns the liar, the base, or ingeniousness. One who bows to the dignity of honest labour and feels that all progress is the offspring of unselfish effort, 1886. Founder of the State School Cadets in Queensland, the first corp being formed in Roma Died in Brisbane, Queensland 14 November 1913, aged 71. |
There are two family trees drawn out on the back of pages five and six. Follow this link to see a page which shows these trees. The first has been amended by Wilton, his hand writing is very distinctive. The other one is marked as "latest" and was corrected in the US after Oct 1925. I know this because my father CW Vaugh and his cousin John Wilton Griffin are included and they were both born in Oct 1925. Wilton is also shown as deceased, he died 16th Occt 1925 four days before my father was born. After Wilton received the information from Malvina he passed it all to his cousin George Vaugh of Massachusetts, it seems that it was also in the possession of Anne Vaugh of 30 Howe St, New Haven Connecticut. It was with this Anne that Lily Vaugh lodged in the 1920's. See the US Census information here. It was posted to George Vaugh of 52 Northampton St, Easthampton, Massacusetts on the 5th May 1924. |
The following transcription is of the letter
Wilton Vaugh wrote to accompany the information and below that a further letter in which
Wilton gives his opinon of George Victor Le Vaux. This letter was accompanied with a copy
made by George, who rightly thought others might have difficulty reading it. Judge for
yourself by viewing the letter. |
My Dear Cousin, |
Your afft cousin |
Vaugh Family The change of name to Vaux is all the doing of Mrs Longlands father he was a young man of great ideas and thought a grand name would advance him in the world but he lived long enough to learn that the name is not much in getting you on in the world. |
So there it is, the final piece is a note and
it's not clear where it fits in. It has been written on stationary from a hotel in New
York, date stamped May 17th 1926. The envelope is addressed to George in Mass. This note
is unsigned and says; . |
Vaux or LeVaux The name was changed by some members of the family
during the French Revolution. The name being purely French. The ones that imigrated to
Ireland are said to have changed their name to Vaugh hence the division of names.
Original name was LeVaux. London Address: C/O National Bank of Australasia. Ltd. |
As a footnote to this I have now made contact with a family in Australia who are descended from George Victor Le Vaux so I may well be able to extend the information from here. Can you shed any light on this ? Answers via email please ...................... |
The Vaugh homepage is here, genealogy information here & pictures here
© Doug Vaugh, England 25rd Nov 1999 Mail me Doug Vaugh