Follow the links to the various pagesList of all my pagesMy main genalogy pageAll pictures available from hereMain Wilton page with linksFrazer page leading to othersLeVaux name historyWaugh or Vaugh ?le vaux informationthe waugh info
Finland July 2011

Welcome to my home page, enjoy your visit .......... to my web site, if this is your first visit check out the what's here page, this lists all the files on my site and acts as a site map. The files are arranged in the order they were created or changed. As a frequent visitor this will help you identify new or recently changed pages. There are links under the words in the page header above which will take you straight to those subject pages.
Just wanted to add the following concerning the site
content and it's updating, yes I'm still active (March 2016) but many of the pages have not been updated for quite a while, the information is still current, some things just don't change at all!! I've added a surname history for the surname VAUGH, check it out here.

After a long absence my pages are back online, some (quite a few) of the links still don't work but they will soon...... For Doug's picture click here

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  Well why bother with a web site?  Family history and history in general but lets start with  Genealogy my main, though not only reason for creating this site, follow the link to access information relating to the various names and subjects I am researching. My research is continual and some notes from one of my many research trips to Dublin can be seen here. The Registry of Deeds located in Dublin Eire is where the information for the Deeds Index was gathered. It is a slow process transcribing them but I am making good progress through my current list. Will's and Administrations  are a great source of genealogical information, follow the link for a list of will's and administrations referring to my family. These are taken from various sources, simple stuff really. I've also added a history of the VAUGH surname, it's a history as far as I can ascertain using the existing records. Read the page via the link here.

   Pictures from some of my immediate family and many more from my family history have been included, this is because we are a very visual bunch. Each picture has a full explanation and further links to related pictures and documents. Some of these pictures have come across from the USA . There are currently over fifty pictures available all linked from thumbnails. I have added several pictures from my trip to Ireland in August 2000 I have also added a section which covers Churches and memorials click here to see this.

 Through two pictures and my brothers interest in military history, an Irish regiment, now long disbanded though hopefully not forgotten, the South Irish Horse (SIH) has become the subject of several pages all available from here. The SIH pages are our way of keeping the memory of this regiment alive as sadly all it's former members have now passed away. That web site not only gives a potted history of the regiment but gives details from the SIH war diaries, from the first world war. Five pages of lists taken from the South of Ireland Yeomanry club gazette are also included. These lists name all the non commissioned officer members of this Yeomanry regiment from about 1905. The sister regiment of the SIH, called the North Irish Horse has it's own site which can be found at the end of this link North Irish Horse page.

   During my researches I have unearthed information concerning other surnames related, no pun! to my main interest. They are mentioned here, firstly we have Waugh this name has long fascinated me and if there was a connection to Vaugh. Though it is only recently that I have found a few sources with possible links to the name VAUGH.
(Le) Vaux, one of my ancestors believed the name Vaugh was derived from this name. Read this page and make up your own mind.
Wilton I have two ancestral lines to the name, both can be seen via the link.
Vowe, an ancient name from Hallaton in Leceistershire, my interest derived from an old book where the name was spelt as Vough. This was too close to pass by, I found no links to Ireland and have included a couple of wills I transcribed on my Vaugh will index page.

   I have added a page which will guide you to my Frazer research. Little, Noble, Boyd, Collins, and since my marriage, Melville, Briarwood/Brierwood and Brerewood are part of my family somewhere, in due course I'll perhaps get arount to sharing information about them.

  Credit is due to some of you out there, on the credit page they are mentioned and a list of Email addresses for Vaughs it's a short list at present. Let me know if you would like to be included.  Due to the way the web is created some Vaugh related information which has been published elsewhere has gone. Some of the pages I have found can still be accessed via my Copies page.

Any comments or feedback can be sent to me via the comment and feedback page linked here.
Finally I have no links page on this site, there are many places within the internet where information can be found. Relevant links are sometimes located within the body of various pages on this site.

And finally a note about copyright, yes an ugly subject but one which requires airing. Further information can be found on the web site of the UK Intellectual Property Office a branch of the UK Government

This short statement from the UK copyright registration service concerning the myth that everything on the internet is in the public domain and is therefore free to use, it certainly is not:

Everything on the Internet is in the ‘public domain’ and free to use. This is a commonly held misconception.
This highlights a common misunderstanding about what is meant by ‘public domain’ when referring to copyright work.
A work will fall into the public domain once copyright expires, this will typically be many years after the author’s death.
While work published on the Internet may be publicly accessible, it is certainly not in the public domain and therefore not freely available to plunder and use as you may like, ask first it's not only polite but necessary.

For Doug's picture click here

This is a thin red line ........

        Doug Vaugh, England 22nd Mar 2016      "All rights reserved"    Contact me Doug Vaugh