This photograph taken on the 13th Aug 2000 shows the Riverstown Church
of Ireland, parish of Taunagh church. This was the venue for a dedication
service for the new east window. See my notes here
for a fuller description. My family have two links with this church, the
first is through Doctor Edward King Frazer of Riverstown. Sarah Maud Haslett,
his first wife died in 1909 and is buried in the only marked plot within
the church grounds. Dr Edward King Frazer is the brother of Margaret Little
Frazer, my great grand mother. They are children of Archibald
Frazer and Francis Little.
See this Frazer
grant for more details.
The second link with this church comes from the new east
Wilton Vaugh who died in October 1925, had
a magnificent piece of stained glass commissioned by his son Francis
la Touche Vaugh and created by AE Child installed to his memory in
Toomna church Co Roscommon. See this picture for the
interior of Toomna and this one for the window in it's former
The window has been removed from it's former home in Toomna church. This
was due in part to the fact that Toomna church has been the victim of
continual vandalism and the safety of the window was in question. For
a glimpse at Toomna now click here.
It is now safely installed in Riverstown and I do hope it's new family
will take great pleasure from its beauty.