Wilton Vaugh memorial window Riverstown


The recently installed and dedicated Wilton Vaugh memorial window which can be found in Riverstown church Co Sligo. This window was removed from Toomna church in Co Roscommon and placed in Riverstown. The dedication service took place on the 13th Aug 2000 with the Right Reverend Michael Mayes Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh officiating ably assisted by the Reverend Noel Reagan. The church was host to a good sized congreation and the food laid on afterwards was second to none, my thanks to all who had a hand in the any of the procedings, THANKS for everthing. For a general view of the church interior click here.

To view information about the artist A E Child click here.

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© Doug Vaugh, England  22 August 2000