"W85" As this will is fairly recent I have decided to withhold all of the address's mentioned as there are people still alive who are mentioned. If you require further information please email me and I shall pass on the relevant details.
WILHELMINA FRAZER of 61 Victoria Park Road Winton in the County
Borough of Bournemouth Spinster
1. I REVOKE all former Wills and other Testamentary dispositions made
by me
2. I APPOINT National Westminster Bank Limited (hereinafter called "the
Bank") to be the Executor and Trustee of this my Will on its standard terms
and conditions in force at the date hereof including those governing the Bank's
remuneration which shall be in accordance with its scale of fees in force at
my death and the Bank shall have power if its standard scale of fees shall be
altered after my death to charge remuneration for its services in accordance
with such scale of fees as shall from time to time be in force
3. I DESIRE that my body shall be buried in the same grave as my Mother
in the Wimborne Road Cemetry (sic) Bournemouth and I DIRECT the Bank
at the expense of my estate to have the following inscription engraved on the
existing headstone at my Mother's grave:
"Also Frances Wilhelmina Frazer daughter of the above who
entered into rest (give date of death) aged (give age at death) and add "s"
to the word "Servant" at the foot of the stone and the word "years"
after "89" at the existing headstone
4. I DECLARE that all legacies in this my Will shall be free of duty
5. I GIVE the following specific legacies namely:-
(a) To Deirdre Elizabeth James of [address withheld] in the County
of Leicester my china cabinet together with all its contents including the two
small pierced silver bon bon dishes and silver cigarette box on top of the china
cabinet and the photograph of Aunt Minnie which hangs over the said china
cabinet my large acorn shaped silver tea pot and six plated napkin rings in
a case and all my silver and cutlery in the sideboard drawer together with all
the family photographs in the drawers of my bureau in the sitting room and the
two vases with lids on the mantlepiece in the sitting room together with the
photograph of Doctor Frazer on the dining room wall and the two silver
candlesticks with family crest on the sideboard in the dining room to be kept
as heirlooms in the family and my gold curb bracelet with lock
(b) To Mrs. Mina Vaugh
of [address withheld] County Down my case of silver tea knives my pink and cream
crocheted shawls and my two pink dressing jackets in the large chest of drawers
in the spare bedroom my silver salver with the initial "W" engraved
on it absolutely and I DESIRE in connection with the silver salver that
the said Mina Vaugh shall
give the same to her daughter Rita Vaugh of [address withheld] aforesaid
on her death or if she is then dead to her daughter Lillian Vaugh
of [address withheld] Northern Ireland but if the said Mina
Vaugh predeceased me then I GIVE the said silver to the said Rita
Vaugh but if she predeceases me then to the said Lillian Vaugh
(c) To the said Rita Vaugh my red jewel box my gold bracelet
silver blue necklace with flowers painted on it my garnet ring with pearls my
white gold pin with pearl in center my gold watch bracelet and the remainder
of my broaches and necklaces together with my gold curb bracelet and the silver
calendar on the Bureau and my mahogany work-box inscribed "Anne" on
the lid in the dining room
(d) To the said Lillian Vaugh my blue and gold china tea
services my six small silver tea spoons in the sideboard drawer in the dining
room my picture of the dying Fox Hunter over the dining room mantlepiece and
my oval framed photograph in the dining room of General
Little Wife and Daughter together with my silver plated tea pot coffee
pot sugar basin and cream jug and my tea cosy
(e) To the said Lillian Vaugh and the said Rita Vaugh
in equal shares or if only one of them shall survive me then to the survivor
the contents of the bottom drawer of the chest in the back bedroom
(f) To Wilton Vaugh
of [address withheld] Birmingham my picture in the sitting room depicting a
lady leading a dog towards a bridge and the picture showing cottages with people
outside together with two small pictures "Cries of London" also in
the sitting room the five small pictures of the family which are hanging over
the mantlepiece in the front bedroom together with my barometer in the hall
and also the silver calendar on the dining room mantlepiece and the wine and
gold coloured vase on the china cabinet in the sitting room
(g) To Margaret Vaugh
of [address withheld] Birmingham all the contents of the dressing table in the
front bedroom
(h) To Frances Vaugh
of [address withheld] Birmingham my two small candle sticks on the mantlepiece
in the sitting room and the green jug on the mantlepiece in the dining room
(i) To Mrs. Frazer of [address withheld] Worthing Sussex my
large silver tea tray on the sideboard in the dining room and the large mirror
in the hall and the hunting picture in the hall together with four down cushions
in the sitting room and all my pillows (j) To Miss Florence Davis of [address withheld] Bournemouth
two pictures in the dining room one with pink flowers and one of flower gardens
and also two small pictures over the mantelpiece in the sitting room and one
blue and white china ornament on the bureau in the sitting room together with
the brown cushions on the armchair in the dining room
(k) To Miss Marie Bate of [address withheld] Bournemouth
the choice of one pair of blankets and all my fancy afternoon tea cloths
(l) To Miss Rodgers of [address withheld] Bournemouth my tinwork
box with all its contents together with my work basket and contents both of
which are under my sewing machine in the dining room
(m) To the Reverend R. Henthorne of St. John's Vicarage Moordown
Bournemouth my Bible, Hymn Book and Prayer Book
(n) To Harold Cole of [address withheld] Bournemouth all the
garden tools including wheel barrow which I may own at my death
(o) To Mrs. Cullen of [address withheld] Bournemouth my old brown
wool rug
(p) To the Bank all my wearing apparel the contents of my three wardrobes
and drawers not hereby otherwise given together with the contents of the hot
press in the bathroom to be given at the absolute discretion of the Bank to
needy old people in the Bournemouth area
And I declare that the word "contents" when used in any part of this
clause shall mean the contents at the date of my death and I further declare
that in the event of any disagreement as to the identity of any articles referred
to in this clause the decision of the Bank shall be final and I direct that
all expenses of transporting the foregoing articles to the beneficiaries shall
be borne out of my residuary estate
6. I GIVE the following pecuniary legacies namely:-
To the said Miss Florence Davis the sum
of Four hundred pounds
To Andrew Alistaire James son of the said Deirdre
Elizabeth James provided that he shall attain the age of eighteen
years the sum of One hundred pounds
To Susan James daughter of the said Deirdre
Elizabeth James provided that she shall attain the age of eighteen
years the sum of One hundred pounds
To Doctor Evelyn Nixon of [address withheld]
Dunlaoghaire County Dublin the sum of Thirty five pounds as a small token
of gratitude for her kindness to me
To the said Mrs. Cullen the sum of thirty pounds
To the said Reverend R. Henthorne the sum of Thirty
To Mrs. Hopkins of the [address withheld] Wimborne
Dorset the sum of Twenty five pounds as a small token of gratitude for
her kindness to me
To the said Harold Cole the sum of Twenty
five pounds
To Mrs.Maskell of [address withheld] Moordown Bournemouth the sum of Twenty pounds |
To Mr. Smart of [address withheld] Bournemouth aforesaid the sum of Twenty pounds |
To Mrs. Smart also of [address withheld] Bournemouth aforesaid the sum of Ten pounds |
To such organisation or organisations as the Bank may think fit for the benefit of aged very poor residents of Bournemouth the sum of Five hundred pounds |
To the cancer Research Campaign (British Empire Cancer Campaign) the sum of Three hundred pounds |
To the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research of 8 Charing Cross Road London WC2 the sum of Three hundred pounds |
To the Vicar and Church Wardens for the time being of St. John's Church Moordown Bournemouth the sum of Fifty pounds |
To the Eye Department of the Royal Victoria Hospital 17 Poole Road Bournemouth the sum of Twenty five pounds to be applied for the comfort of patients |
To the Royal Victoria Hospital Shelley Road Boscombe Bournemouth to be applied for the comfort of the patients the sum of Twenty five pounds |
7. ALL THE REST RESIDUE AND REMAINDER of my estate real and personal
whatsoever and wheresoever I give DEVISE AND BEQUEATH to the Bank in
Trust to sell call in and convert the same into money with full power to retain
the whole or any part thereof in its actual state or condition at the date of
my death for so long as the Bank in its discretion shall think fit without being
responsible for any loss occasioned thereby and after the payment of my my debts
funeral and testamentary expenses legacies and death duties TO HOLD the net
proceeds of such sale calling in and conversion and all other parts of my estate
upon trust in equal shares absolutely for the Bournemouth Blind Aid Society
for the use of the Bournemouth Home for the Blind Victoria Park Road Bournemouth
and for a Protestant Home for poor or distressed ladies and for a charity for
disabled ex-Servicemen according to the Bank's entire discretion
8. I DIRECT that the receipt of the Secretary Treasurer or other proper
officer for the time being of each of the said organisations shall be a sufficient
discharge to the Bank for such legacy or share of my estate
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day
of October One thousand nine hundred and seventy three
THIS Will having been first read over to the above named FRANCES WILHELMINA FRAZER by me the undersigned RICHARD HAROLD MOORING ALDRIDGE in the presence also of me the undersigned MARGARET J. CONSTANTINE when the said FRANCES WILHELMINA FRAZER appeared thoroughly to understand the same and to approve the contents thereof was signed by the said FRANCES WILHELMINA FRAZER as her last Will in the presence of us present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
MARGARET J. CONSTANTINE (signature) Westover Chambers Hinton Rd. Bournemouth. Secretary
Chambers Hinton Rd. Bournemouth. Solicitor
NOTE:- all of the above clauses that have been struck through were signed or
initialled by F W Frazer and the two witnesses.
© Doug Vaugh, England 12th September 2000 Wills Mail me Doug Vaugh