Mother Fanny, daughter Frances and son John

The photograph above shows three members of the Frazer family in Bournemouth England. From the left we have Frances Wilhelmina Frazer youngest daughter of the lady standing at the back who is, Frances Little Frazer and the gentleman is her son, John William Frazer. I would say it was taken in the late twenties, I say this because F L Frazer died in 1932/3. The house is called Compton Lodge, click here to see it in all it's glory.
The will of F L Frazer can be seen here, she died 23 September 1933, John died 9th September 1943 and Frances W, known as great aunt Mina by my father, died 20th November 1973.
The two ladies are buried in Bournemouth, the tomb can be seen here.

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© Doug Vaugh, England  28th August 2000