"W86" As this will is fairly recent I have decided to withhold some of the address's, as there are people still alive who are mentioned. If you require further information please email me and I shall pass on the relevant details.
I MABEL FRANCES ISOBLE CURTIS of 2 Victoria Terace Beaumaris in the County of Anglesea HEREBY REVOKE all former testamentery dispositions made by me AND DECLARE that this is my last will 1. I APPOINT MICHAEL JOHN STEWART PREECE of Wellfield Offices Bangor in the County of Caernarvon Solicitor and LLOYDS BANK LIMITED to be executors and trustees of this my Will and I declare that the bank's terms and conditions for acting as executor and trustee (including scale of remuneration) last published before the date of my death shall apply with power to charge remuneration in accordance with any later published terms of the Bank for the time being in force. 2. I DECLARE that in the interpretation of this my will the expression "my trustees" shall (where the context permits) mean and include the trustees for the time being hereof wheather original or substituted and if there shall be no such trustee shall (where the context permits) include the persons empowered by statute to exercise or perform any power or trust hereby or by statute confered upon the trustees hereof and willing or bound to exercise or perform the same. 3. I BEQUEATH the folowing specific legacies :-
4. I DIRECT that such of my papers as shall not be required by my said daughter shall be destroyed and I direct that al my personal chattels not hereby specifically bequeathed may at the discrecion of my trustees be sold in public auction. 5. I BEQUEATH the following pecuniary legacies free of duty (if any) payable upon or by reason of my death.
6. I GIVE to my trustees the sum of SEVEN HUNDRED POUNDS (£700)
free of duty upn trust to invest the same in any investments authorised
by law for the investment of trust moneys with power from time to time
to vary such investements and to hold the said sum and the investments
representing the same and the income therefrom in trust for Andrew
if he shall attain the age of twenty-two years but if Andrew shall
die under that age the said legacy and all intrest thereon shall fall
into and form part of my residuary estate. 7. I GIVE to my trustees the sum of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS (£500) free of duty upn trust to invest the same in any investments authorised by law for the investment of trust moneys with power from time to time to vary such investements and to hold the said sum and the investments representing the same and the income therefrom in trust for Susan if he shall attain the age of twenty-two years but if Susan shall die under that age the said legacy and all intrest thereon shall fall into and form part of my residuary estate. 8. I DEVISE and bequeath all the residue of my estate both real and personal whatsoever unto my trustees upon trust to sell call in convert the same into ,oney with power to pospone the sale calling in nd conversion thereof so long as they shall in their absolute discretion think fit without being liable for loss 9. MY TRUSTEES shall hold the net proceeds of the said sale and conversion and my ready mony (herein-after called 'my residuary trust fund') upon the following trusts :-
10. MY TRUSTEES may from time to time invest my residuary trust fund or any part of thereof in any way in which they in their absolute discretion think fit in all respects as if they were a sole beneficial owner of such moneys and may from time to time vary or transpose such investements 11. MY TRUSTEES shall have the following further powers :-
12. ANY POWERS hereby given to my trustees shall be in addition to and not in substution for any power discretion or trust which in the absence of the powers herein contained or any of them would by law oe statute be vested in my Trustees 13. I DESIRE to be cremated and i direct that after a Christian ceremony my ashes shall be interred on Church Island Menai Bridge (at the side of the sea looking out towards the tubular bridge and I mention that Ihave received permission from the present Vicar the reverand E. B. Williams) 14. I STATE that I am Cataleptic and i direct that my body be allowed to remain in some appropate place of rest for five days before cremation and at the end of such period my arteries shall be cut
SIGNED by the said testatrix as her last will in the presence at the
same time who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each
other have hereunto subcribed our names as witnesses :- D
F I Curtis |
(Unreadable signature) Lloyds bank House Beaumaris Bank manager |
(Unreadable signature) Lloyds bank Hse Beaumaris Bank officer |
© Doug Vaugh, England 12th September 2000 Wills Mail me Doug Vaugh