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King's Bench Division (Probate)       The District Registry at Ballina

BE IT KNOWN that on the 16th day of February 1920 the last Will and Testament with one Codicil, a copy of which signed by the District Registrar, is hereunto annexed of EDWARD KING FRAZER late of Kingsville Riverstown in the County of Sligo, Medical Practitioner, deceased, who died on or about the 39th day of August 1919 at same place and who at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode at same place within the District of Ballina, was proved and registered in the District Registry of the said Division at Ballina and that the administration of the personal estate of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid Court to JOHN WILLIAM FRAZER of Daleview, Leitrim, Carrick-on -Shannon in the County of Leitrim Esquire and William Handfield Haslett of Halliford, Sunbury-on-Thames in the County of Middlesex England, Medical Practitioner, the Executors named in the said Will, they having been first sworn faithfully to administer the same.

The following paragraph has been inserted into the original and is in a different typeface

And it is hereby certified that an Affidavit for Inland Revenue has been delivered wherein it is shewn that the gross value of the Personal Estate of the said deceased within the United Kingdom (exclusive of what the deceased may have been possessed of or entitled to as a Trustee and not beneficially) amounts to £2304.16.4. (Hand written insertion above this line:- for the purpose of Estate Duty) And that it appears by a Receipt signed by an Inland revenue Officer on the said Affidavit that £276.17.6. for Estate Duty and Interest thereon has been paid the duty being charged thereon at the rate of £4. per cent.

End of insertion

JOHN GARVY District Registrar. L.S. Extracted by M. J. Howley, Sligo. Solicitor.

I Edward King Frazer of Kingville Riverstown in the County of Skye, Medical Doctor hereby revoke all Wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. I appoint my brother John William Frazer of Daleview, Leitrim, Carrick-on-Shannon in the County of Roscommon and my brother-in-law Dr. W. Handfield Haslett of Halliford House, Sunbury-on-Thames in the County of Middlesex (hereinafter called my Trustees) to be executors and trustees of this my Will and I appoint my trustees to be guardians of my children Edward Haslett Frazer and Mabel Frances Isabel Frazer. I bequeath the following legacies that is to say £25 to my housekeeper Ellen Crefin of Riverstown and £50 to my sister Frances Wilhelmina Frazer of Daleview, Leitrim, both legacies to be paid to the respective legatees in full without deduction on account of Crown duties. I devise all my real and personal estate, not hereby otherwise disposed of unto my trustees upon trust that my trustees shall sell, call in and convert into money the same or such part thereof as shall not consist of money and shall with and out of the money produced by such sale calling in and conversion and with and out of my ready money pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and all my just debts and all my just debts and the legacies bequeathed by this my Will, or any codicil thereto and shall at the discretion of my trustees invest the residue of the said moneys in or upon any stocks funds or securities authorised by law as investments for trust funds with power for my trustees from time to time at their discretion to vary such investments and shall stand possessed of the said residuary trust moneys and the investments for the time being representing the same(hereinafter called the expectant share of my son Edward Haslett Frazer. upon his attaining the age of 25 years and as to three-fifth shares thereof (hereinafter called the expectant share of my daughter Mabel Frances Isabel Frazer) upon trust for my said daughter Mabel Frances Isabel Frazer upon her attaining the age of thirty years provided always and I declare that during the minorities of my said son and daughter respectively my trustees may apply the whole, or any part of the income of the expectant share of such son or daughter for or towards his or her maintenance and and (sic) education and shall accumulate the residue (if any) of the said income by investing the same and the resulting income thereof to the intent that such accumulation shall be added to the principal share from which the same shall have proceeded and follow the destination thereof. Provided also and I declare that my trustees may at their own discretion at any time before the same shall have become vested, raise any part of the expectant share of my said son as may appear to them to be requisite and apply the same for his advancement preferment or benefit, for the purpose of his education or establishment in a profession or business and I declare that my trustees shall have power during the minority of my said daughter to raise such portion of her expectant share as may at their discretion appear to be requisite and apply the same for the maintenance and education of my said daughter in aid of the income of her said expectant share and so far as such income shall prove insufficient for such purposes Provided also and I declare that from and after my said son shall have attained his age of twenty one years he shall be entitled to receive the whole income of his expectant share (or such capital moneys as then represent such expectant share or are subject to the trusts declared thereof) until the same shall have become vested or he shall previously die and from and after my daughter shall have attained her age of twenty one years she shall be entitled to receive the whole income of her expectant share (or such capital moneys as then represent such expectant share or are subject to the trusts declared thereof) for separate use without power of anticipating the income thereof until her said expectant share shall have become vested or she shall previously die and if my said son shall die under the age of twenty five years having issue him surviving then my trustees shall stand possessed of the expectant share of my said son in trust for such of his sons as shall attain the age of twenty one years and such of his daughters as shall attain that age or shall marry under that age all in equal shares And my trustees shall have power to apply the whole or any part of the expected share of any child of my said son under this proviso for the maintenance and education of such child during his or her minority with liberty to pay the same to the Guardian or Guardians of such minor for the purpose aforesaid without being liable to see to the application thereof and if my said son shall die at any time before attaining the age of twenty five years and without having issue of if no child of my said son shall attain his age of 21 years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry my trustees shall thereupon stand possessed of the expectant share of my said son upon trusts as are herein declared of and concerning the expectant share of my daughter and if my said daughter shall die under the age of thirty years having issue her surviving then my trustees shall stand possessed of the expectant share of my daughter in trust for such of her sons as shall attain the age of twenty one years and for such of her daughters as shall attain that age or shall marry under that age all in equal shares and my trustees shall have similar power to apply the income of the expectant share of any such child of my said daughter for the maintenance and education of such child as hereinbefore declared, concerning the trusts in favour of the children of my said son And if my said daughter shall die at any time before attaining the age of thirty years and without leaving issue if no child of my said daughter shall attain the age of 21 years being a daughter shall attain that age or marry my trustees shall thereupon stand possessed of the expectant share of my said daughter upon the following trusts that is to say, as to one moiety thereof in trust for the husband of my said daughter if she shall have died having a husband her surviving and as to the other moiety thereof (or if my said daughter shall not have left a husband her surviving) as to the whole of her expectant share upon the same trusts as are hereinbefore declared of and concerning the expectant share of my son and upon the failure of the trusts hereinbefore declared in favour of my son and my daughter and the children of my said son and daughter respectively, then my trustees shall stand possessed of my residuary trust funds (subject to the trust hereinbefore declared in favour of the husband of my daughter in the event of the death of my said daughter leaving such husband her surviving) upon trust to pay £500 to W. Handford Haslett if he be alive upon the failure of such prior trusts as aforesaid and as to the residue thereof for my brothers John William Frazer and Percy Alexander Frazer and my sister Frances Wilhelmina Frazer in equal shares or in the event of the death of any one or two of them previous to the failure of such trusts as aforesaid then for the survivors or survivor of John William Frazer, Percy Alexander Frazer and Frances Wilhelmina Frazer absolutely. In witness thereof I have set my hand to this my Will this seventeenth day of August one thousand nine hundred and twelve.

Signed by the above named Edward King Frazer as his last Will in presence of us both being present at the same time who in his presence at his request  Edward King Frazer and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as JOHN ORAM witnesses. Cashier Wm. Adams Ulster Bank Street Manager Ballymote.

Ulster Bank Street Ballymote.

This is a Codicil to the Will of me Edward King Frazer of Kingsville, Riverstown in the County of Sligo, Medical Doctor which bears date the seventeenth day of August one thousand nine hundred and twelve. I bequeath the following legacies that is to say one hundred pounds to my wife Amy Kathleen Frazer an further sum of Seventy-five pounds to my housekeeper Ellen Crefin of Riverstown and a further sum of Fifty Pounds to my Sister Frances Wilhelmina Frazer of Daleview, all legacies to be paid to the respective legatees in full without any deduction on account of Crown duties. I direct that the persons called my trustees in my said will shall stand possessed of the monies and investments therein called my residuary trust funds upon trust to pay thereout the annual sum of Seventy-five Pounds without deduction on account of crown duties to my mothwr during her life to commence from the day of my death and to be paid to her in equal quarterly instalments of Eighteen pounds and Fifteen shillings each and subject thereto upon the trusts declared in the said will. Provided always that if my daughter Mabel Frances Isobel Frazer shall marry without the consent of my trustees her share called in the said will her expectant share shall be reduced to two-fifths share and the expectant share of my son Edward Haslett Frazer shall be increased to three-fifth share. In all other respects I confirm my said Will. In witness whereof I have set my hand this 28th day of August one thousand nine hundred and nineteen. Signed by the above named Edward King Frazer as a codicil to his last will dated seventeenth day of August nine (sic) thousand nine hundred and twelve, in the presence of us both at his request being present at the same time both in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses.

E.K.Frazer  R.S.S. Gardiner Tower Hill, Boyle  F.B. Gardiner Tower Hill, Boyle.


John Garvey  District Registrar

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