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The Will of Maria Vaugh
My ref W29  National Archive Dublin ref  Will of Maria Vaugh
  						Probate 1906
						Granted at Tuam
1	I Maria Vaugh of Drumdoolin
2	Castlerea Co Roscommon being
3	of sound mind memory and
4	understanding do hereby revoke
5	all wills and testamentary dispositions
6	of every kind at any time made by
7	me ; I appoint as my executors 
8	the Rev Canon R.S.Ford of Castlerea
9	and Mr O.W.O'Grady Young of Harristown
10	and I direct them to obtain from
11	the administrator of my brother
12	the late William Vaugh my share of
13	my mothers assets held by him
14	for me, and all benefits or moneys
15	coming to me under the will of my
16	neice the late Lizzie Vaugh and I
17	give devise and bequeath to my said
18	executors the above mentioned claims
19	and debts, and all my property of
20	every kind and description, real
21	or personal, in possession or in
22	expectancy in trust as follows :-
23	To pay my just debts and testamentary
24	and funeral expenses, secondly
25	the same shall not have been
26	done prior to my decease, to erect a
27	suitable monument over the
28	graves of my brothers and
29	sisters and parents, and thirdly to
30	pay and___e all my property as
31	aforesaid, and all the residue
32	thereof equally in equal shares
33	between my niece Jane Jessop
34	and my nephew William Vaugh
35	son of my brother John, now
36	the administrator of my brother
37	William Vaugh deceased, so that
38	one half the said residue shall be
39	enjoyed by the said Jane Jessop
40	and the said William Vaugh after  	 her
41	my decease..                       Maria  +  Vaugh
42	Signed by the said Maria Vaugh         	mark
43	the textatrix this 27th day of June  	Witness
44	1903 as and for her last will
45	and testament by signing              R J Ford  clk
46	her mark hereto, she being             	Cavan
47	infirm of body in the                  	A R Stritch 
48	presence of us present at the same          Solr
49	time together who at her                  Castlerea
50	request, and in the presence of
51	each other have hereunto
52	subscribed our names as witnesses
53	the same having been read over and explained
54	to her, and she approving and knowing the contents.

            © Doug Vaugh, England 8th August 1999                Wills             Mail me Doug Vaugh