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The will of   Daniel McVaugh  My Ref W26  

PRO    PROB 11 922 folio 343

1   In the Name of God Amen    (the numbers on the left are line numbers fom the original document)
2   I Daniel McVaugh Marine belonging to his Majestys Ship
3   Norfolk Captain Richard Kemperson Esq. Comander being in a
4   sad state of health but of sound and Disposing mind and memory
5   and considering the perils and dangers of the seas and other
6   ............. of this transitory life Do for avoiding all
7   after my decease make public and declare this my last will
8   and testament in manner following, that is to say. First I
9   recomend my soul to God that gave it and my body to the
10   earth or sea as it shall please God to order and as for all
11   my worldly effects I give bequeath and dispose thereof as
12   following that is to say, to my beloved Friend Jeffery Davis belonging
13   to his Majestys ship aforesaid all my wages sum and sums
14   of money Lands Tenements Goods Chattels and Estates
15   whatsoever as shall be any ways due owing or belonging
16   unto me at the time of my Decease I give devise and
17   bequeath the same unto my beloved Friend aforesaid and I
18   do hereby nominate and appoint him Executor of this my
19   last will and Testament hereby revoking all former and
20   other wills Testaments and deeds of gifts by me at any
21   time heretofore made And I do ordain and valify these
22   presents to stand and be for my only last will and testament
23   In witness whereof to this my said will I have set my hand and
24   seal this Twelfth day of January And in the second year of the
25   Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third over Great
26   Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc
27   And in the year of our Lord One thousand seven_and Sixty two
28   Danl McVaugh Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of
29   us where no stamps could be got Thos Morris - Michl
30   Quin - Henry Swales -
31   On the thirteenth Day of October in the year of our Lord One
32   thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six Administration (with the
33   Will annexed ) of the Goods Chattels and Credits of Daniel
34   McVaugh late belonging to his Majestys Ship Norfolk deceased
35   was Granted to Mary Davis Widow the Relict and sole
36   Executrix of the will of Jeffery Davis deceased (whilst living )
37   Sole Executor and universal Legatee named in the said will
38   she having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer
39   For that the said Jeffrey Davis survived the said Testator ............
40   without taking upon him the Execution of the said will Etc

            © Doug Vaugh, England 8th August 1999                Wills             Mail me Doug Vaugh