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The Will of .Lizzie Vaugh  My ref W22

National Archive Dublin ref Will of Lizzie Vaugh Probate 1903 Granted at Tuam

I Lizzie Vaugh of Drumdoolin Castlerea County Roscommon hereby revoke all former wills and testaments and declare this my last will and testament, whereas I am possessed of a farm of lands in fee simple known as the lands of Ballin wire containing ten acres and situate at Killebeggen Co Westmeath, I give devise and bequeath the same to my brother Thomas Vaugh of Slow Park Kings County subject however to a payment of a sum of £40 forty pounds Stg, to my sister Mrs Jane Jessop, the same to
be a part charge of the fee simple estate hereby devised to my said brother Thomas, and to be free of legacy duty, and whereas I may be entitled to a share or legacy out of the assets of my late uncle William Vaugh and am entitled to be paid wages accumulated for me in his hands out of his estate Now I bequeath back the legacy and wages or the share, to my Aunt
Maria Vaugh of Drumdoolin aforesaid for her life only, and after her death to my sister Mrs Jessop provided however that should my brother William require the said moneys for the purpose of becoming the sole owner of the farm of Drumdoolin, the said Mrs Jessop shall on his demand forthwith advance the said whole sum of such money as aforesaid to the said William at interest after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum on a mortgage of the said farm which said mortgage shall not be recalled or called in against the will of the said William for a period of ten years, and then only on six months notice in writing having been served upon the said William Vaugh by the said Mrs Jessop her admin istrators or assigns. I appoint the Rev Canon Ford of Castlerea Co Roscommon, and Mr W.O'G Young of Harristown Castlerea my executors.
Signed by the said Lizzie Vaugh the Lizzy Vaugh testator, this 26th day of December 1902 as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us present at the  same time who at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
R J Ford Clk Canon Referred to in
A.R.Stritch Solicitor afft of in afft
Castlerea of Mr Ford Clk
W O'Grady Young

ann W O G Young
this 28th Jany 1903
D____ Nolan

            © Doug Vaugh, England 8th August 1999                Wills             Mail me Doug Vaugh