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THE WILL OF Kathleen Sarah VAUGH
I KATHLEEN SARAH VAUGH of Sheemore, Cunningham Road Dalkey in the County of Dublin, Widow hereby REVOKE all former Wills Codicils and other testamentary instruments heretofore made by me and DECLARE this to be my last Will and Testament.

1. I APPOINT Brian Kingsbury Overend of 31 Fitzwilliam Square Dublin, Solicitor and my cousin Robert Morehead of Leeward, Marina, Blackrock, Cork to be the executors and trustees of this my will (hereinafter called my Trustees which expression shall include the survivor of them or otherss the trstees or trustee for the time being of this my will)

2. I GIVE AND BEQUETH to any executor or trustee who shall act in the administration of my estate the sum of Three Hundred Pounds

3. I GIVE AND BEQUETH the following legacies -

(a) To my faithful friend Margaret J Doherty the sum of Two Thousand pounds absolutely.

(b) To my godchild Richard D Smyth of Curraheen, Rostellan in the County of Cork the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds absolutly.

(c) To my godchild Marion E Taylor of The Residence, Omgh in the county of Tyrone the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds absolutly.

(d) To my godhild Christopher H Allen of Royal Bank House, Moville in the County of Donegal the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds absolutly. Provided Always that if the said Christopher H Allen shall be a minor at the date of my death I DIRECT my Trustees to pay the said legacy to his parent or parents whose receipt shall be a good discharge to my trustees who shall not be bound to see to the application thereof.

(e) To Mrs Sarah Allen of 14 Duncala Park, Sandycove County Dublin the sum of Five Hundred Pounds absolutely.

(f) To Mrs Kathleen Cross of Ravenswood Carrigaline County Cork the sum of ive Hundred Pounds absolutely.

(g) To Miss Greta Smith of Curraheen, Rostellan, County Cork the sum of Five Hundred Pounds absolutely.

(h) To Mrs Bridget Byrne of 64 Eden Villas, Sandycove County Dublin, if still in my employment the sum of One Hundred Pounds absolutely.

(i) To Anthony O'Toole of Kent Terrace, Dalkey, County Dublin if still in my employment the sum of One Hundred Pounds absolutely.

(j) To the advisory Committee for the thime being of the Church's Ministry of Healing, Saint Andrew Street, Dublin for it's own use the sum of Two Hundred Pounds absolutely and I DECLARE that the said legacy shall be paid to the secretary or Treasurer for the time being whose receipt shall be a good discharge to my Trusteess who shall not be bound to see to the application thereof.

(k) To the Dublin Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Incorporated) 30 SSouth Frederick Street Dublin the sum of Two Hundred Pounds absolutely and I DECLARE that the said legacy shall be paid to the Secretary or Treasurer for the time being whose recipt shall be a good discharge to my trustees who shall not be bound to see the application thereof.

4. I DIRECT my Trustees as soon as possible after the date of my death to set aside investments to the value of Five Thousand Pounds and to hold the same upon trust to pay the income arising therefrom after the date of my death (whether in respect of any period prior to my death or not) t my sister-in-law Ina Bianca Forde during her life and subject to her life interest the said assets representing this trust to fall in and form part of my Residuary Estate.

5. I DIRECT my trustees to pay an annuity of three hundred Pounds per annum to the said Margaret J Doherty during her life such annuity to be payable monthly from the date of my death and to be free of all duties and I EXPRESSLY AUTHORISE my Trustees as soon as possible after the date of my death to set aside such investments as they may think fit to provide for such annuity an I FURTHER AUTHORISE my trustees if in there opinion they consider the circumstances are such so as to warrant the exercise of this additional power to aise out of the capital set aside to provide such annuity a sum not esceeding in all the sum of Five Hundred Pounds and to pay or apply all or parts thereof at any time or times to or for the benifit of the said Margaret J Doherty.

6. I DIRECT that my Trustees shall have the followinf powers in conection with the Trust and the annuity hereinfore created -

(i) To sell call in collect and convert into money such part of my Estate so set aside or subsequently invested at such time or times and in such manner as they shall think fit with power to postpone the sale calling in or conversoin of the wholeor any part or parts of the same during such period as they shall think proper and to retain any investments or assets existing at my death for any period including the whole period of the trust and the annuity hereby created without being responsible for loss.

(ii) To invest any monies at any time requring investment in the name of my Trustees in or upon any stocks funds shares securities or other investments of every nature and kind whatoever and whether Trustee Investments or non-trustee investments or in any other assets in all respects as my Trustees may in their absolute and uncontrolled discretion think fit as if they were the beneficial owners and not trustees with power to vary and transpose such investments for or into others of a nature hereby authorised.

7. My Trustees shall not be answerable to any person or persons or held accountable or liable in any way for the exercise or non-exercise of all or any of the discretionary powers hereinbefore given to them provded only that my trustees shall have acted bona fide.

8. I DECLARE that neither upon my death nor upon the cessor or determination of any limited intrest hereunder shall any apportionment be made in respect of any accruing or accrued income or rent arising from investment or real property comprised in my Estate and unpaid at my death or upon such cessor or determination to the intent that such income or rent shall be treated as arising at the time when the same is received.

9. I GIVE DEVISE BEQUEATH all the rest residue and remainder of my property whatsoever and wherever situate as follows:

As to one-third thereof to my nephew, George Robert Duncan Forde absolutely

As to one-third thereof to my niece Eileen Patricia Murray absolutely

As to one-third thereof to my nieceIna Maureen McConnell absolutely

10. I DECLARE that all legacies and bequests contained in this my Will or any Codicil thereto shall be free of all death duties which shall arise on my death.

11. I DECLARE that any trustee hereof being a solicitor stockbroker chartered accountant  or other person engaged in any profession or business shall be entitled to charge and be paid all usual professional or other charges for business done by him or his firm in relation


            © Doug Vaugh, England 15 Jnuary 2000                Wills             Mail me Doug Vaugh