SAORSTÁT ÉIREANN I MARY VAUGH of Lisadaly in the Co.Roscommon do hereby make this my last Will and Testament I LEAVE all that I am possessed of in shares money &c to my niece Florence Griffen of Edgeworthstown and after her time to her children if she has any if she has no children then to be divided equally between her brother and sisters I HEREBY APPOINT Arthur McWilliam of Lisadaly my sole executor. DATED this 9th February 1925. -----MARY VAUGH----- SIGNED by Mary Vaugh in our presence who in her presence and in the presence of one another have hereunto signed our names as witnesses hereto:- --BRIDGET PRIEST-- ---WILTON VAUGH--- SAORSTAT EIREANN IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTESE (PROBATE) THE PRINCIPAL PROBATE REGISTRY BE IT KNOWN, that on the 12th day of October 1937 the last Will a copy of which, signed by the Probate Officer, is hereunto annexed of MARY VAUGH late of 30 Moyne Road, Rathmines, Dublin Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of May 1937 at same place was proved and registered in the Principal Registry and that the Administration of the personal estate of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid Court to ARTHUR McWILLIAM of Lisadaly Croghan in the County of Roscommon farmer the sole Executor named in the said Will he having been first sworn faithfully to administer the same AND IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that an Affidavit for Inland Revenue has been delivered wherein it is shown that the gross value of the personal estate of the said deceased within the Irish Free State (exclusive of what the deceased may have been possessed of or entitled to as a Trustee and not beneficially) amounts to £349.17.4 for the purpose of Estate Duty AND THAT IT APPEARS by a receipt signed by an Inland Revenue Officer on the said Affidavit that £95.17.0. for Estate Duty and Interest thereon has been paid, the Duty being charged thereon at the rate of £3.0.0. per cent. EDWARD E. KENNY, Probate Officer. Extracted by:- HANNAN & CONNELLAN, Solicitors. |
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