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W77 Douglas Villers Frazer

DOUGLAS VILLERS FRAZER of 'Roundhay' St Botolph's Road Worthing in the county of
Sussex a Captain in His Majesty's Royal Field Territorial Artillery I revoke all
former testamentary dispositions made by me I appoint my mother Adelaide Frazer
sole EXECUTRIX of this my will I give to Francis Reyonlds the Manager of the Capi-
tal and Counties Bank Bournemouth the sum of Ten pounds as a small token of gratitude
for his kindness to me whilst I was working with him I give to Hilda Rice generally
known as Hilda Swinhot of 5 Rawdon Street Calcutta India the sum of Ten pounds in
order that she may purchase a ring or some other token to keep as a memento of our
friendship I give and devise my three houses Numbers 25 and 26 Loughborough Street
and 37 Esher Street in the county of London (subject nevertheless to my fathers and
my mothers respective life interest therein) to my elder sister Adelaide Lillian Vera
Line the wife of Stephen Line absolutely I give bequeath devise and appoint all the
rest and residue of my estate both real and personal to which I am entitled or may
at any future time become entitled to over which I have or may have any disposing
power at any time in any manner whatsoever to my said mother Adelaide Frazer abso-
lutely in WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Thirtieth day of June One

thousand nine hundred and seventeen - DV FRAZER - Signed by the said Douglas Villers
Frazer as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his pres-
ence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses -
R V H GREEN Worthing Solicitor - H P ISTED 8 Blowning Road Worthing His Clerk -
On the 28th August 1918 Probate of this will was granted to Adelaide
Frazer the sole Executrix - 2

       © Doug Vaugh, England 25th January 2012      Wills           Mail me Doug Vaugh