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THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me ERNEST GILBERT FRAZER of 582 Warwick Road Tyseley in the City of Birmingham Haulier I APPOINT Thomas Dewis of 13 Edward Road Balsall Heath and Elizabeth Rothwell my Housekeeper to be the EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES of this my Will (and they are hereinafter shortly referred to as "my Trustees") I BEQUEATH to the said Thomas Dewis a legacy of Twenty pounds and to the said Elizabeth Rothwell a legacy of One hundred pounds both free of duty such legacies being conditionally upon their respectively acting in the execution and trusts of this my Will I GIVE to my son Norris Martin my gold watch and chain and I GIVE to the said Elizabeth Rothwell all my household furniture plate linen pictures and domestic effects and my jewellery I may have she allowing my children to reside with her until at least my youngest child attains the age of twenty one years I DEVISE AND BEQUEATH all my real and the residue of my personal property whatsoever and wheresoever of or to which I shall be seised possessed or entitled at my death unto and to the use of my Trustees upon the trusts hereinafter declared concerning the same that is to say UPON TRUST that my Trustees shall call in collect and convert into money the said real and personal property at such time or times and in such manner as they shall think fit with power to postpone the sale calling in or conversion of the whole or any part or parts of my real property during such period as they shall think proper My Trustees shall out of the moneys to arise from the sale calling in and conversion of or forming part of my said real and personal property and out of any ready money of mine pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the legacies given by this my Will and pay all estate duty and the duties on any legacies given free of duty by this my Will or by any Codicil hereto and shall invest the residue of the said moneys (which moneys and the property for the time being representing the same are hereinafter called "the Trust Fund") in the names of my trustees in or upon any of the investments authorised by law with power to vary or transpose such investments for or into others of a nature so authorised and shall stand possessed of the capital and income of the Trust Fund in trust for all or any my children or child who shall attain the age of twenty one years and if more than one in equal shares My Trustees may at their discretion pay or apply the whole or any part of the income or the capital of the share to which any child of mine shall for the time being be entitled in expectancy and would if of full age be entitled in possession under the trusts hereinbefore declared for or towards his maintenance education advancement in life or benefit and shall invest the surplus income if any and the resulting income thereof in any investments hereby authorised in augmentation of the capital of such share IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Fourth day of February One thousand nine hundred and twenty five.


    SIGNED by the said Ernest Gilbert Frazer as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us all being present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
ARTHUR WRIGHT Solicitor Birmingham.
CHARLES H.PRIDDEY Clerk with Wright & Marshall Solicitors Birmingham.

On the 2 APR 1931 Probate of this Will was granted at  BIRMINGHAM

Seal of the High Court of Justice District Probate Registry, District Registrar Birmingham

       © Doug Vaugh, England 14 July 2000      Wills           Mail me Doug Vaugh