The pictures that are listed below can each be found on seperate pages. The picture pages are linked from thumbnails, which are displayed on the left in a contents frame. Below this are links, click on these links to change the contents frame displayed on the left.

Pictures contains these, Doug & Matt Vaugh, Jack & Sophia & Alicia, Sophia Vaugh, Alicia Vaugh, My family 1958, Doug, Jim, Wilton and Hugh Vaugh and a photo of Wilton, Matthew, Colin, Cian , Douglas & Hugh Vaugh Aug 2000.

Genealogy Pictures contains, C & W Vaugh, Millbrook House, Frank Vaugh, Gordon Vaugh,  Grevisk House, E, M & F Little, Archibald Frazer, Frances Little, Wilton Vaugh, Toomna Window and finally Toomna Interior.

Genealogy Pictures 1 contains, Cressage, George Le Vaux, Malvina Longland, George Margaret & Lilly Vaugh, Mabel Curtis, George John Vaugh & Sophia Vaugh, Charlie & Lilly Vaugh, Lilly Vaugh and finally Cecil George Vaugh on his pony.

Genealogy Pictures 2 contains, Noble family, Thomas and Jane Ann Little, Killycramph, Rena Vaugh USA, Harold and Florence Griffin, George Hamilton, an unknown family, Dr Sheridan, James & Dorothea Vaugh, and finally Arlington & Mary Vaugh

Genealogy Pictures 3. contains George Elliot Wilton & family,  Frank La Touche Vaugh and Frank & his wife Kathleen Forde.

Churches contains Toomna Church in Aug 2000, Toomna interior, Kilmore Cathedral Co Cavan, Dromahaire church Co Leitrim, Riverstown church in Co Sligo, The Wilton Vaugh window in Riverstown, General view of Riverstown Church interior, Ardcarne Church Co Roscommon, The Vaugh graves Ardcarne and finally a shot of two Frazer graves fron the old part of Ardcarne.

Churches and Memorials contains, Little & Frazer monument Toomna, Frances Little Frazer Bournmouth and Sarah Maud Frazer Riverstown.

Houses  contains Compton Lodge Bournemouth, home of my great great uncle Jack Frazer, Maitland Bournmouth and Killyreagh Home of Frank & Kit Vaugh.

Frazer pictures This set contains some of my Frazer ancestors. Frances W Frazer her mother Frances Little Frazer and brother John W Frazer.

Ardcarn Church This set contains photographs of Ardcarn Church, Ardcarne Co Roscommon, taken in January 2016

© Doug Vaugh, England 14th February 2016                      Mail me Doug Vaugh