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Transcript of a deed from the registry of deeds Dublin: Year 1782 Volume 352 Page 88 Entry 236750 |
A marriage settlement made between Archibald FRAZER son of
James FRAZER and Catherine PEYTON daughter of James PEYTON |
Page 88 is missing from the book, but the bulk of the deed
is from page 89 onwards |
Transcript of a deed from the registry of deeds Dublin; A marriage settlement made between Archibald FRAZER son of James FRAZER and Catherine PEYTON daughter of James PEYTON Twenty third day of September in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Between Archd FRAZER of Aughnasom in the Parish of Killbryan and County of Roscommon of the one part, Gent James FRAZER Father to the said Archd FRAZER and Patt and Michael FRAZER younger sons to the said James FRAZER of the aforesaid Place of the other part and James PEYTON and Catherine PEYTON daughter to the said Jams PEYTON of Cartron in the Parish of Arharne and Couthy aforesaid Gents of the third part whereby a marriage is shortly intended to be had and solemnized between the said Archd FRAZER and the said Catherine PEYTON that in consequence of which the aforesaid James Patt and Michl FRAZER consent and agree to make over All that and those the Lands of Vizt First the one half of his Division in Aughnasom Known by the name of Laraga in the Parish and County aforesaid in as full and ample a manner as the said James FRAZER held the same for many years past during the term mentioned in the Origl Lease of Aughnasom that is to say during the lives of John GARDNER Arthur GARDNER or the longest lives of them also the other halfe of said lands to be and revert to the said Archd FRAZER his heirs and Assigns during said lease Free from any rent or any other Considn what soever from the Death of his Said father James FRAZER Secondly the said James Patt and Michl Frazer did Grant and make over all their right title Interest and property unto their several rights and General Interests in and to the lands of Cloonmore in the Parish of Killteven and County of Roscommon as also the lands of Cooltanagh in the parish of Killmine and county aforesaid unto thte said Archd FRAZER his heirs and Executors Admons and Assigns for ever Subject to the yearly rent of two pounds two shillings Sterling and every year during said lease he the said James FRAZER reserving for himself yearly for ever his heirs and Assigns out of the lands of Cloomore and Cooltanagh from the Experation of the new lease of Aughnasom the sum of four pounds yearly for the use of his younger Sons Patt and Michl FRAZER with free liberty for him or them their heirs or Assigns to lead drive Carry any Distress or Distresses Equivalent to rent then die and dispose of according to law until such sum of four pounds sterling be fully paid and satisfied Thirdly the said indenture witnesseth that the said Archd FRAZER for and in considn of the said marriage and for and in considn of the sum of fifty pounds sterling as a marriage portion to be paid by James PEYTON in manner following leizt the first payment thereof to be made on the first day of Novr next being the sum of ten pounds sterling and the like sum of ten pounds sterling to ne made on the first day of May following and so to continue by halfe yearly payments until the sum of sixty pounds sterling be fully paid and satisfied Forthly the said Archd FRAZER doth make over one third part of the said above mentd lands unto the said Catherine PEYTON his intended wife together with the one third of all the assets & E??p he the said Archd FRAZER shall dye possd of provided the said Catherine PEYTON shall survive him and after the decease of the sd Archd FRAZER that then and in such case it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Catherine PEYTON to possess herself & enjoy her third out of the land aforesaid every year during her natural life and in case the sd Catherine PEYTON the said Archd FRAZER intende wife should die without issue that then the sd Archd FRAZER doth bind himself his heirs executors admons and asss to pay or return to the said James PEYTON his heirs execs admons and asss the sum thirty pounds sterling immediately after the said Catherine PEYTONs death his intended wife in lieu full satisfaction of the sum of sixty pounds sterling so paid to the said Archd FRAZER as a Marge Portion and in case of issue Male or Female of the body of the said Archd FRAZER on the Body of the sd Catherine PEYTON his intended wife such issue shall be intitled to the above Lands mented and all and every part and parcel thereof forever that the said Archd FRAZER is now or may be at the time of his Death intitled thereto and to the heirs of such issue forever and in case the sd Archd FRAZER should die leaving no issue begot on the body of Catherine PEYTON that in such case the one half of his real and personal effects which he shall die possed of shall be ????? in the possn of the said Catherine PEYTON during her natural life togr with the issues and profits accuring thereout fifthly and lastly and it is agreed upon before perfection of these presents that we Patt FRAZER and Michael FRAZER for ourselves our heirs and assigns have agrees and consented and Quit claim for ever to the above settlements on Archd FRAZER and his intended wife Catherine PEYTON for the conson before mented together with other propertees namely Aughiefinigan & settled upon by our said father James FRAZER and our said brother Arthur (note the spelling) FRAZER from the day of the date of these presents and said Indenture of articles of Maige is witnessd by Basthe Terrace of Aughonafern in the county of Rosscommon Gent and by Randle PEYTON of Dremcormesh in the Coy of Rosscommon Gent and this Memorial is witnessd by the sd Randle PEYTON and by James McLOUGHLIN of --------------------- in the said county of Rosscommon farmer and when the said article of marge were wrote above the first line. James PEYTON seal signed and sealed in presence of Randle PEYTON James McLOUGHLIN The within named Randle PEYTON maketh oath that hereare the within named Archd FRAZER James FRAZER Patt FRAZER Michael FRAZER & James PEYTON duly seal and execute the within Indenture of articeles of Marge whereof the within writg is a memorial and also saw the sd James PAYTON duly sign and seal the sd Meml and that this Dept is a subg witness to the said articles of Marge & Meml. Randle PEYTON sworn before me on my circuit at Carrick in the Coy of Leitrim the 3rd day of Sept one thousand seven hundred & eighty Two Walter BURGH |
© Doug Vaugh, England 31 March 2012 Deeds Mail me Doug Vaugh |