Transcript of a deed from the registry of Deeds Dublin 1907 Vol 10 Entry 61 R 32
To the Registrar of Deeds in Ireland
A memorial of an indenture of Assignment dated the 31st 20th
day of December January one thousand nine hundred and seven
six seven Between William VAUGH of Killart Clenaslea in the
Queens County farmer therein after called the assignor of the one part and William
Finnamore JESSOP of Coolaboughla Clenslea in the Queens County farmer therein
after called the assignie of the other part After reciting as therein said Indenture
witnesseth that for the consideration therein the said assignor
as beneficial owner did assign unto the said assignee All that and those that
part of the lands of Coolaboughlin (spelling) containing twenty
six acres two roods and twenty nine perches statute measure or thereabouts with
the dwelling house and out offices thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging
situate in the Barony of Tinnahinch and Queens County To hold the same
with the appurtenances unto the said assignee his executors administrators and
assigns for all the Estate Interest and tenant right of right of the said assignor
therein and thereto subject to the yearly rent and the covenants and conditions
in the said Indenture mentioned which said deed as to the execution thereof
by the said Indenture mentioned which said Deed as to the execution thereof
by the said William VAUGH is witnessed by Samuel JESSOP of Castletown
Geogban ?? in the County of Westmeath farmer and John DUNNE of Bogaderny
Clonslea farm labourer and said Memorial as to the execution thereof by William
VAUGH witnessed by the said Samuel JESSOP and Warren S WRIGHT
solicitor Tullamore and said deed as to the execution thereof by William
Finnamo JESSOP is witnessed by the said Samuel JESSOP
and the said John DUNNE
Signed & Sealed & Deliveredby the said William VAUGH
In Presence of Sa Samuel JESSOP (sig)
Castletown Gedgheghan
William VAUGH (sig)
Warren WRIGHT (sig) Sol
41 mins after 12 O'C 11 Feby 1907 M S (sig)
The before named Samuel JESSOP (sig) maketh oath and saith that he is
a subscribing witness to the deed of which the foregoing writing isa memorial
and also to said Memorial, that he was present and saw said deed and memorial
respectively duly executed by William VAUGH (sig) and that the name Samuel
JESSOP (sig) subscribed as a witness to said deed and memorial respectively
is this Deponents proper name and handwriting
Grantor Samuel JESSOP (sig) sworn at Tullymore in the County of
Kings this 29 day of January 1907
and I know the deponent . Before me H J NORRIS (sig) Commissioner for
Solicitor Warren S WRIGHT LLB (sig) sol 19 &
20 Fleet Street Dublin & Tullamore