1908 Vol 20 Entry 124 R31
Transcript of a deed from the registry of Deeds Dublin
1908 No 816
In the High Court of Justices in Ireland
Between Michael KELLY
I Michael KELLY of Castlerea
in the County of Roscommon. Merchant & J.P. aged Twenty one years and upwards,
the Plaintiff in this Cause make oath and say:- 1.That I, Michael KELLY
did on the Fifth day of March one thousand nine hundred and eight and
in or as of the Fifth day of March one thousand nine hundred and eight obtain
and enter up a judgement in the Kings Bench Division of the High Court of Justice
in Ireland, against the said Eliza VAUGH the Defendant in this Cause
for the sum of Fortyseven Pounds Five Shillings besides the sum of Five Pounds
Sixteen Shillings for Costs, making together Fifty three Pounds One Shilling
as by the Record of said Judgment may appear. 2. That the Name and Title of
the Cause in which the said Judgment was obtained and entered up is Michael
KELLY of Castlerea in the County of Roscommon Merchant and J.P. Plaintiff
Eliza VAUGH of Brackloon. Castlerea in the County of Roscommon Spinster
The Defendant 3. That I am the Plaintiff in said Judgment, and that my
name is Michael KELLY My Usual Place Of Abode Is Now Castlerea Co Roscommon
and at the time when the said Judgment was obtained and entered up was the same
4. That my title , trade, or profession is now Merchant and J.P. and at the
time when said Judgment was entered up was a Merchant and J.P. 5. That the name
of the Defendant Eliza VAUGH is now the same and at the time when said
Judgment was entered up was the same 6. That the usual or last known place of
abode of the said Defendant at the time when the said Judgmennt was so obtained
was Brackloon Castlerea in the County of Roscommon and at the present is the
same place and that the title, trade, or profession of the said Defendant is
a Spinster and at the time when the said Judgment was obtained was a Spinster
7. That the said Judgment was obtained in the Kings Bench Division in a previous
paragraph mentioned and that the date of said Judgment is the 5th day of March
one thousand nine hundred and eight 8. That the moneys recovered by said Judgment
is the sum in a previous paragraph set forth. 9. I further say, that to the
best of my knowledge and belief, the said Eliza VAUGH the said Defendant
is, at the time of swearing this Affidavit, seized or possessed, at law or in
equity, or has the disposing power, which She may, without the assent of any
other person, exercise for her own benefit over certain Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments,
and Premises hereinafter mentioned, that is to say. Part of the lands of Brackloon,
Situate in the Townland of Brackloon Parish of Kilcorkey. Barony of Castlerea
and County of Roscommon containing in all 25 Acres Statute Measure or thereabouts
10. I further say that the said Judgment is still in force and effect, and that
the sum of Fifty three Pounds one Shilling still remains justly due and owing
to me onfoot thereof
Sworn before
me this 11th day of March one thousand nine hundred and
Eight at
Michael KELLY in the County of Roscommon a commissioner
of the High Court of Justice in
Ireland for
taking Affidavits in and for said County, and I know
the Deponent
This Affidavit is filled on behalf of Michael KELLY
By Maurice STAUNTON 65 Dane St Dublin Solicitor for the Plaintiff
Kings Bench Division D R PIGOT
Received 14th March 1908