1904 Vol 2 Entry 277 R 30
Transcript of a deed from the registry of Deeds Dublin
To the Registrar of Deeds in Ireland
A Memorial of an Indenture of Assignment made the Seventeenth
day of December One thousand nine
hundred and three
Between William VAUGH Junior of Drumdoolin Castlerea in the County of
Roscommon Farmer and Land Steward of the one part and His Excellency The Right
Honourable Sir Nicholas Roderick O'CONNOR P.C of Dunctermot County Roscommon
a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath and His Majestys
Ambassador at Constantinople of the other part Witnessed that in consideration
of the price of seven hundred and twenty pounds paid to the said William
Junior by the said Sir Nicholas Roderick O'CONNOR he the said William
VAUGH Junior
as personal representative of William VAUGH or otherwise howsoever by
with the consent of the Landlord endorsed thereon Did thereby grant assign
and convey unto the said Sir Nicholas Roderick O'CONNOR All That part
of the
lands of Drimatemple situate in the Parish of Drimtemple Barony of Ballymoe
and County of Roscommon being lands comprised in the agreement and declaration
Fixing Fair Rent recited in Indenture and containing eighty seven acres one
and nineteen perches or thereabouts statute measure together with the appurtenances
To hold the same unto the said Sir Nicholas Roderick O'CONNOR his executors
and assigns for all the residue of the judicial tenancy and every other tenancy
or interest
arising there out or at the termination thereof or otherwise and all the estate
right title interest claim and demand of the said William VAUGH and William
Junior unto or out of the same but nevertheless subject to the payment of the
said Judicial
rent and to the terms and conditions of the said tenancy And said Deed as to
the execution
thereof by the said William VAUGH Junior is witnessed by John V BROWNE
of Tullamore
in the Kings County Assistant Secretary County Council of Kings County and Thomas
SLATTERY of Tullamore in the Kings County Journalist.
Signed and Sealed by the said William
VAUGH Junior in the presence of
William VAUGH Junior (Sig) Seal
J V BROWNE Tullymore
Asst Sect Kings County
Accountant Kings Co Council
The before named John BROWNE maketh oath and saith that he is a subscribing
witness to the Deed
of which the foregoing writing is a Memorial, and also to said Memorial, that
he was present and saw said Deed
and Memorial respectively duly executed by William VAUGH Junior
and that the name John BROWNE subscribed as a witness to said Deed and
respectively is this Deponents proper name and handwriting
Sworn at
Tullamore in the County of Kings County
this 9th
day of January 1904 and I know the Deponent
Before me
a Commission duly appointed
for taking
affidavits for the High Court of
Justice in
Ireland and for said County