To the Registrar of Deeds Wills and Soforth in Ireland
A Memorial of an Indenture of Assignment dated the twentieth day of July August
one Thousand ------------------- nine hundred and three and made between William
WAUGH VAUGH Junior of Drumdoolin Castlerea in the County of Roscommon, Farmer
and Land Steward of the one part and Rosannah MORAN of the Main Street
in the town of Castlerea aforesaid Widow of the other part Reciting Indenture
of Lease dated 26 th April 1900 made between Thomas George Mills LANDFORD
a minor by Lorenzo JEPHSON Guardian of his for time of the one part and
Alicia VARILLAH of the other part whereby All that and those the hereditaments
thereby assigned together with other hereditaments were demised to said Alicia
VARILLAH her executors administrators and assigns from 28 th March 1898
for the term of 60 years subject to the rents thereby secured and to the Covenants
and conditions on the part of the leasee to be observed and performed and Reciting
that by indenture dated 30 th May 1900 and made between the said Alicia VARILLAH
of the one part and William WAUGH VAUGH (since deceased) of the other
part the said Alicia VARILLAGH ( spelling ?) assigned all the premises
comprised in the said Indenture of lease absolutely for all the said term of
60 years subject to the said reserved rent of £22 sterling per annum and the
covenants and conditions of the said lease and Reciting that the said William
WAUGH VAUGH died on or about the 21 st December 1902 a widower with issue
and Intestate and that letters of Administration were on the 19th June 1903
granted forth of the High Court of Justice Kings Bench Division Probate to the
said William WAUGH VAUGH Junior and after further reciting as therein
and that the said William WAUGH VAUGH Junior had agreed with said Rosannah
MORAN for the sale to her of the said hereditaments thereby assigned for
the sum of £162-10-0 which hereditaments are a portion of the premises demised
by the said Indenture of Lease and subject to the yearly rent of £7 : 6 : 8
being paid of the rent of £22 reserved by said Indenture of Lease and to the
covenants and conditions by the Lease to be performed and observed and Reciting
that it had been agreed that the rent of £14 : 13 : 4 residue of said rent of
£22 shall thenceforth be paid by William WAUGH VAUGH Junior or by his
assigns as the case may be and that those presents should contain the power
& provisions and covenants therin after expressed It was by said Indenture
of which this is a Memorial Witnessed that in pursuance of said Agreement and
of the sum of £162 : 10 : 0 paid to said William WAUGH VAUGH Junior by
said Rosannah MORAN receipt whereof was thereby acknowledged He the said
William WAUGH VAUGH Junior as such personal representative as
aforesaid and otherwise howsoever doth hereby grant convey and assign to the
said Rosannah MORAN All that and those the piece or parcel of ground
on the North side of the Main Street of Castlerea in the County of Roscommon
as now occupied by her with the buildings thereon and all rights ............
to and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining in any way and being
part of the h..dtannts and premises demised by the said Indenture of Lease all
of which premises and situate in the Parish of Kilkeevan Barony of Castlerea
and County of Roscommon To hold the same unto the use of the said Rosannah
MORAN her executors administrators and assigns henceforth for all the residue
of the said term of 60 years now unexpired as granted by said Indenture of Lease
subject from last gale day preceding the date of these presents to the payment
of such proportion of the rent of £22 as aforesaid and said Indenture contains
other provisions and covenants as therein which said deed and memorial as to
the Execution thereof respectively by the vendor (William WAUGH VAUGH )
and the purchaser(Rosannah MORAN) is witnessed by A R STRITCH
Sol Castlerea and Fras McPARLAND law clerk Castlerea, both in the County
of Roscommon.
Signed and Sealed by the said
Rosannah MORAN
Rosannah MORAN (Sig) Seal
in presence of A R STRITCH (Sig)
Solr Castlerea
F McPARLLAND (Sig) Law Clerk
The before named maketh oath and saith he saw the deed
of which the foregoing is a memorial and the said Memorial duly executed
by the above named Rosannah MORAN party thereto saith the
name Fras McPARLLAND subscribed as a witness to the said deed and
memorial is the Deponents proper name and handwriting
F McPARLLAND (Sig) Sworn
before me this 18 th day of
1903 at Castlerea
the County of Roscommon
M G SWEENY (Sig) J. P.
Solr 16 Heel St Dublin
ms afr 1 O'C 24 Sep 1903