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       " R28"

1884 Vol. 28 Entry 166

To the Registrar appointed by Act of Parliament
For Registering Deeds Wills and so forth in Ireland

MEMORIAL of an Indenture made the Twenty ninth day of May One thousand eight hundred and eighty four Between Wilton Vaugh of Leitrim in the County of Leitrim Esquire of the first part Susan Taylor of number 4 Clarinda Park East Kingston in the County of Dublin Spinster of the second part and Arthur Harrison of Drumlummon in the County of Leitrim Esquire and Edward Bolton Murphy of number 1 Trinity Street in the City of Dublin Esquire of the third part Reciting a marriage was intended shortly to be solemnised between the said Wilton Vaugh and Susan Vaugh and Reciting the said Susan Vaugh was then absolutely entitled to the sum of Four thousand pounds portion of which is invested in Eight hundred and forty nine pounds thirteen shillings the particulars whereof were set forth in the schedule thereunder written and after further reciting as therein It was by said Indenture witnessed that in pursuance of the agreement therein and in consideration of the said intended marriage It was thereby agreed and declared that the said Arthur Harrison and Edward Bolton Murphy and the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor or other the Trustees or Trustee for the time being should stand possessed of the said funds and securities so vested or intended forthwith to be vested in them as aforesaid In trust for the said Susan Vaugh her executors administrators and assigns until the said intended marriage and after the solemnization thereof Upon trust to invest same as therein and to pay the income arising from the sum of One thousand pounds portion of the said trust funds and of the monies stocks funds shares or securities into or for which the same may be converted or transposed for the said Susan Vaugh and during coverture for her sole and separate use independently of the said Wilton Vaugh and of his debts control or engagements without power of anticipation and to pay the residue of the income of the said trust funds and after the death of the said Susan Vaugh (in case the said Wilton Vaugh should survive her and should not have become bankrupt or have assigned charged or incumbered or attempted or affected to assign change or incumber any part of the income of the said trust funds) should also pay the income of the said sum of One thousand pounds and of the investments for the time being representing the same unto the said Wilton Vaugh during his life or until he should become a Bankrupt or should assign charge or incumber or attempt or affect to assign charge or incumber the said income or part thereof or should do or suffer something whereby the same or some part thereof would through his act or default or by operation or process of law or otherwise if belonging absolutely to him become vested in or payable to some other person or persons and after the determination of the trust therein before declared in favour of the said Wilton Vaugh should pay the said residue of the income of the trust funds in addition to the income of the said sum of One thousand pounds or of the investments representing the same to the said Susan Taylor during her life but during her said intended coverture the same should be for her sole and separate use independently of the said Wilton Vaugh and of his debts control and engagements and without power of anticipation. And after determination of the trust therein before declared in favour of the said Wilton Vaugh and the death of the Susan Vaugh should stand possessed of the entire trust funds thereby settled and of the income thereof In trust for all or such one or more exclusive of the other or others of the issue (whether children or more remote) of the said intended marriage to said power or not and in such manner as the said Wilton Vaugh and Susan Vaugh should by any deed or deeds writing or writings sealed and delivered with or without power of revocation and new appointment jointly appoint And in default of such appointment and so far as any such appointment should not extend then as the survivor of them should in like manner or by will or Codicil appoint as therein And in default of any such appointment and so far as any such appointment should not extend In trust for all the children or any the child of the said intended marriage who being sons or a son should attain the age of twenty one years or being daughters or a daughter shall attain that age or marry under that age and if more than one in equal shares with Proviso that no child who or whose issue should take any part of the said trust premises under any appointment in pursuance of either of the powers lastly therein before contained should in default of appointment to the contrary have or be entitled to any share of the unappointed part of the said trust premises without bringing the share or shares appointed to him or her or to his or her issue into hotchpot and accounting for the same accordingly And it was thereby agreed and declared that if there should be no child of the said intended marriage who being a son should attain the age of 21 years or being a daughter should attain that age or marry under that age then subject and without prejudice to the trust therein before declared the said Trustees or Trustee should stand possessed of the said trust premises and of the income thereof or of so much respectively as should not have become vested or been applied under any of the trusts or powers therein before contained in trust for the survivor of them the said Wilton Vaugh or Susan Vaugh his or her executors administrators and assigns absolutely and which said deed and this Memorial as to the execution thereof respectively by the said Wilton Vaugh and Susan Vaugh are witnessed by James Faris and Aquila McMahon both of 31 College Green Dublin Solicitors and which said deed as to the execution thereof by the said Edward Bolton Murphy is witnessed by the said James Faris

Signed and sealed by the

said Wilton Vaugh   Wilton Vaugh (sig) (seal)

and Susan Vaugh   Susan Vaugh (sig) (seal)

in presence of

James Faris (sig) Solr

31 College Green Dublin

Aquila McMahon (sig) Solr

31 College Green Dublin Solr

The above named James Faris Maketh oath and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the above writing is a Memorial and also to the said Memorial and saith he saw said deed and Memorial duly executed by the said Wilton Vaugh and Susan Vaugh and saith that the namee James Faris subscribed as a witness to the execution of said deed and Memorial respectively is this Deponents Proper name and in his handwriting.

James Faris Swore before me this 31st day of May 1884 at 5 Fista Place in the city of Dublin R N Buchanana ? (sig)

45 mins after Two O’clock

                    © Doug Vaugh, England 20th January 2001                  Deeds index