1884 Vol 11 Entry 171
| To the Registrar appointed by act of Parliament for
the registering of deeds wills and conveyances in Ireland
| Memorial of an indenture made the twenty third of February
Reg'd 28 Feb'y 1884 at 10 m's | one thousand eight hundred and eighty
four Between William
after 3 O'C
............................................. | VAUGH
of Drumdoolin in the County of Roscommon farmer of the first part Sophia
VAUGH of Leitrim in the County of Leitrim of the second part and the Reverend
William McCAUSLAND of Castlerea in the County of Roscommon aforementioned
clerk and Wilton VAUGH of Leitrim aforesaid Gentleman therein after called
the trustees of the third part reciting a marriage had been agreed upon and
was intended to be shortly solemnised between the said William VAUGH and
Sophia VAUGH and after further reciting as therein It was by said deed
of which this writing is a memorial witnessed that in pursuance of the agreement
therein and in consideration of said intended marriage and the sum of four hundred
pounds on the execution of said indenture by the said Sophia VAUGH paid
to the said trustees of the said William VAUGH did thereby grant unto
the said trustees and their heirs all that and those that part of the lands
of Drumdoolin situate in the Barony of Castlerea and County of Roscommon aforesaid
containing forty acres Irish Plantation measure or thereabouts being the lands
on which he then resided and which were then held by him the said William
VAUGH under a lease for three lives two of which lives are still in being
to wit the George GRAY of Dalefield in the County of Roscommon Gentleman
and James VAUGH of at the yearly rent of forty seven pounds six shillings
and eight pence together with all buildings fixtures rights casements and appurtenances
there unto belonging and all the estate and interest of him the said William
VAUGH in said premises To hold the said premises unto the trustees and their
heirs to the use of the said William VAUGH and his heirs until the said
intended marriage and after the solemnisation there of to the uses and upon
the trusts and subjects to the powers and provisions therein after declared
of and concerning the same and said indenture also witnessed that in pur-
sueance of the said agreement and for the consideration afore said William
VAUGH did there by assign unto the trustees their executors administrators
and assigns firstly all that and those that other part of the lands of Drumdoolin
aforesaid situate in the Barony of Castlerea and County of Roscommon aforesaid
containing Twenty acres Irish Plantation measure or there abouts and then held
by the said William VAUGH as tenant from year to year at the yearly rent
of twenty seven pounds secondly all that and those that part of the lands of
Drumintemple situate in the Barony of Ballymoe and County of Roscommon containing
sixty five acres Irish Plantation measure or thereabouts and then held by the
said William VAUGH as tenant from year to year at the yearly rent of
ninety five pounds ten shillings thirdly all and singular the furniture chattels
household goods and effects therein after called household goods in or about
the said residence of him the said William VAUGH on the lands therein
before expressed to be thereby granted and which house hold goods were specified
in the first schedule there under written and forthly
all and singular the horses cattle sheep pigs carts carriages farming implements and live
and farming stock of every kind therein after called farming stock & premises thereby
assigned to hold the same unto the trustees their executors administrators and
assigns In trust for the said William VAUGH until the said marriage and
after the solemnisation thereof upon the trusts and subject to the powers and
provisions therein after declared of and concerning the same which said deed
and this memorial as to the execution there of by the said William VAUGH
and witnessed by James BLACK of Leitrim Post Master and John GILBOY
of Leitrim aforesaid letter carrier both in the county of Leitrim and as to
the execution of said deed by the said Sophia VAUGH & William
VAUGH is witnessed by the said James BLACK and John GILBOY William
VAUGH (seal) signed and sealed by the said William VAUGH in presence
of James BLACK Post Master Leitrim John GILBOY Leitrim Letter
carrier The above named James BLACK maketh oath & saith he is a subscribing
witness to the deed of which the above writing is a memorial and also to said
memorial and saith he saw said deed and the memorial respectively duly executed
by the above named William VAUGH and saith the name James BLACK
subscribed as a witness to said deed and memorial respectively is deponents
proper name and handwriting James BLACK sworn before me this 25th day
of February one thousand eight hundred and eighty four at Carrick on Shannon
in the County of Leitrim afore mentioned for taking affidavits for the high
court of justice in Ireland and I know the deponent W McGEE commissioner