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1858 Vol 2 Page 203

To the Registrar appointed pursuant to act of Parliament for regis-tering of deeds wills and soforth A Memorial of an indented ............ bearing date the second day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight and made between George Loftus GRAY Alicia Isabella GRAY otherwise CORBETT widow Andrew Russell STRICTH and Margaret Catherine STRICTH otherwise GRAY his wife and Alicia Margaret GRAY otherwise VAUGH widow all of Longford in the County of Longford of the first part and Jean Baptiste Francis VARILLAT Jane Alicia VARILLAT otherwise GRAY his wife of Rouen in the Empire of France of the second part Francis Joseph HASTINGS of Georges place in the city of Dublin solicitor ............. for the purposes therein mentioned of the third part After reciting that by indenture bearing date the twenty seventh day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirteen and made between John GRAY Esquire of the first part Alicia Margaret GRAY otherwise VAUGH party thereto of the second part and George VAUGH of the third part reciting amongst other things that the said George VAUGH was seized for a term of three lives of the lands of Arm otherwise Dalefield containing thirty six acres or thereabouts and was also seized of another plot of ground of the town of Castlerea all in the County of Roscommon under an existing agreement for a lease for three lives or forty one years in which said plot there was then in progress of building one house and said George VAUGH then agreed to built two traditional houses which were subsequently (?) and are now built he (?) the said George VAUGH for the consideration therein did grant unto the said John GRAY his executors administrators and assigns all his the said George VAUGH's right title and interest of and in said lands of Arm otherwise Dalefield and also his right title and interest in and to that part of said plot of ground on which the said George VAUGH had and then built the two additional houses together with a proportion of garden and yard therein unto belonging to (?) the said George VAUGH reserving to himself the house which was then built and its appurtenances to hold to the Said John GRAY his heirs executors administrators and assigns as in said deed mentioned and after reciting amongst other things that the said George VAUGH departed this life but previous to his decease by his last will devised said mentioned house and the ...... of said plot belonging thereto and in which same was built to Alicia Margaret GRAY party thereto for the term of her natural life
and after her decease to said George Loftus GRAY party thereto And further reciting that the said
John GRAY departed this life leaving his said wife Alicia Margaret GRAY party thereto and four children issue of said marriage namely said George Loftus GRAY Alicia Isabella CORBETT
Margaret Catherine STRICTH
and Jane Alicia VARILLAT heirs surviving and further reciting as therein It was witnessed that for the consideration therein mentioned that they the said Alicia Margaret GRAY George Loftus GRAY Alicia Isabella CORBETT Andrew Russell STRICTH and Margaret Catherine STRITCH his wife did grant bargain sell assign ............. confirm unto the said Francis Joseph HASTINGS his heirs executors administrators and assigns All that and those the said plot of ground more particularly specified in said deed bearing date the twenty seventh day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirteen and in a certain deed of appointment of ..... second day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty four together with three houses now built thereon and all the ......... mentioned and appurtenances thereon or belonging or in any way appertaining To hold to him his executors administrators and .......................................  and benefit of the said Jane Alicia VARILLAT otherwise GRAY her heirs executors administrators and assigns for (?) all their estate and interest yet to come and ....... therein as in said ...... particularly mentioned and said indenture further witnesseth that the said Jean Baptiste Francis VARILLAT and said Jane Alicia VARILLAT his wife and the said Alicia Isabella CORBETT for the consideration therein ....... their respective estate and interest parsin (?) did grant share assign unto the said George Loftus GRAY his executors administra tors and assigns All that and those that part of .......... of the said lands of Arm otherwise Dalefield
situate in the Barony of Balintobber and County of Roscommon which they the said Jane Alica VARILLAT and Jean Baptiste Francis VARILLAT in right of his wife and said Alicia Isabella CORBETT for the considerations therein ..... which they or of them have any claim under and by virtue of the provision of the said and of such rent (?) of the twenty seventh day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirteen or any other deed or settlement on their behalf and all the estate right title or interest at laws or in equity of possession remainder or expectancy of them or other of them in or both (like?) some To hold to him his ...... and assigns for the ........ or ..... of the ..........of ........... in the same as in said deed mentioned and which said deed contains the usual covenants for the god title and appointment of new trustees and which deed and this memorial as to the execution thereof by the said George Loftus GRAY Alicia Isabella CORBETT Margaret Catherine STRITCH and Jane  Alicia VARILLAT and witnessed by Bernard BOURKE of Summer Hill in the County of the city of Dublin and Mary O'CONNOR of Middle Mountjoy Street in the city of Dublin spinster George Loftus GRAY (seal) Alicia Isabella CORBETT (seal) Margaret C'e STRITCH (seal) Jane Alicia VARILLAT (seal) signed sealed and delivered by the said George Loftus GRAY Alicia Isabella CORBETT Margaret Catherine STRITCH and Jane Alicia VARILLAT

(This last piece was added by a clerk at the Registry)

The words "lot" on the 16th line and "is .........." on the 54th line being obliterated and the words
"otherwise GRAY" in ...ned about the 39th line and the words
Jane Alicia VARILLAT written on the 56th line are ......... the

   © Doug Vaugh, England 13 January 2000                  Deeds index