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Year 1801 Vol 531 Page 303 Entry 351052


To the reg appointed for registering Deeds Leases and soforth
A meml of an indenture of Lease bearing date the first day of Nov 1800 and made between
John VAUGH of the town of Leitrim Gentn of the first part and Wm VAUGH of
Creagduff in the County and Barony of Leitrim of the one part whereby the said John
for the considn therein did devise unto the said Wm VAUGH his heirs all
that part of the Lands of Lower Drumhearney in as full and ample manner as the same was
formerly held by Wm REYNOLDS and Wm RUTLEDGE togr with turf plot formerly held
by for cutting turf on the Bog of the lower Drumhearney lying and being in the barony
and County of Leitrim and Contg by Estimn eleven acres or there abouts for the natl
life of the said John VAUGH of Leitrim Town at the yearly rent of one pound by the
acre the first payment there of to be made on the first day of Nov 1801 in which said lease
are contd the several clauses and covenants between land lord and tenant and is witnd
by Wm HOUGHTON of Creaghduff and Wm IRWIN of Ballinaboy and is also this Meml is
witnd by the said Wm HOUGHTON and John IRWIN Gentleman - Wm VAUGH (seal)
sealed and dild in presence of us Wm IRWIN Wm HOUGHTON - Wm HOUGHTON of Creaghduff
in the County of Leitrim Gentm maketh oath that he is a subsg witness to the Intonated deed
of lease of which the above is a Meml and that he saw the same duly executd by the
------ts and saith that he is a subsg witness to the meml and saw the same duly
Execatd and that the name Wm HOUGHTON here to subsd is Depts proper
mane and hand wg Wm HOUGHTON sworn before the 27th day of Jany 1801 at
Carrick in the County of Leitrim by virtue of a commn to me directd for taking
Affids in the County and I know the dept Wm LITTLE

   © Doug Vaugh, England 13 January 2000                  Deeds index