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Year 1797 Vol 494 Page 566 Entry 337087

To the reg appointed for registering Deeds & soforth A Meml of an indented deed of sett bearing date the twenty second day of Oct one thousand seven hundred & Ninety six made between James VAUGH of Leitrim in the County of Leitrim of the one part & William HOUGHTON of said place Gentn of the second part & Wm VAUGH & Ann his wife of the third part Recting a Marriage having been solemized between the said Willm & Anne and reciting several annuities to be paid to the said William and Ann out of the lands of Chaughduff Tullylumion Lismorefir & Bahin Bog situate in the county of Leitrim and also reciting that for certain considerations in said deed mentioned the said James VAUGH assigns all his right title & interest to the lands of Mallaghbawn situate in said county aforesaid to the said William & Anne to hold for the term of their natural life & after their decease to the use of the issue of said marriage in such measure as the said William should die possessed of To go to and amongst such children share and all th... which sd contained several such clauses & covenants ....... thereunto had ... off... & which said deed & meml are witnessed by .... of the city of Dublin Attorney & John VAUGH Leitrim in the county of Leitrim Gentm James VAUGH Signed sealed in presence of Jsoai BOTHIER & John VAUGH the above memorial John VAUGH maketh oath & saith he is a subscribing witness to the said deed of which the above writing is a meml & saith he saw the said deed & this meml duly executed by the said James VAUGH who appears to be executing party to said deed this meml & saith the name Jno VAUGH signed as a witness to said deed & this meml is the Deponants proper name & handwriting sworn before me this 9th day of Nov 1796 A master appointed by commission for taking Affidavits in the county & I know the Dept John VAUGH

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