Year 1809 Vol 607 Page 457 Entry 417188
To the Registrar appointed by act of Parliament for registering deeds and soforth
A Memorial of an Indented deed of Conveyance bearing date the first day of March
on thousand eight hundred and nine and made between James VAUGH of Castlerea
in the County of Roscommom Esquire of the first part George VAUGH of
Castlerea Gentleman Eldest son and heir at law of the said James VAUGH
of the second part and John YOUNG Esq of Castlerea ++++++++ of the third
part and Michl STUBBS Esq of Castlerea ++++++++ of the forth part whereby
after reciting as therein is recited the said indenture witnessed that the said
James VAUGH for the considerations therein mentioned did grant bargain
sell Release and confirm unto the said George VAUGH in his actual possession
then being as therein mentioned and to his heirs all that and those the Town
and Lands of Ballinaboy situate lying and being in the Barony & County of
Leitrim aforesaid to hold unto the said George VAUGH and his heirs upon
the Trusts and to and for the uses therein mentioned that is to say to the use
of the said George VAUGH & his assigns for and during the term of
his natural life without Impeachment of waste and after his decease upon Trust
for the use of the first and other sons of the said George VAUGH on the
body of any wife with whom he might intermarry lawfully to be begotten severally
and successively one after another as they and every of them shall be in seniority
of age and seniority of birth and for default of such issue Then to the use
of the said James VAUGH party thereto and his eight heirs for ever subject
to the term therein after created and said indenture further witnessed that
the said James VAUGH for the further consideration therein mentioned
did grant bargain sell assign transfer and make over unto the said George
VAUGH his exeors and admors All that the said Towns and Lands of Ballinaboy
situate in the Barony and County of Leitrim to hold to the said George VAUGH
his executors and admors for and during the term of five hundred years upon
trust that in case the said George VAUGH should there after Intermarry
to charge and incumber the said Town & Lands of Ballinaboy with any sum
not exceeding Five shillings per annum as a provision by way of I.inture for
any such wife o....ase of her surviving him for and during the term of her natural
life with power of dis..ess and reky in case of .... payment thereof and also
to change and incumber said lands with any sum for the younger children of said
George VAUGH lawfully begotten not exceeding the amount of five shillings
.....ling with power to the said George VAUGH during the term of his
natural life to lease or demise any part of said lands which said Deed and this
memorial are witnessed by
Signed & sealed
James VAUGH (sig and seal)
in presence of
607 457
Peter DUFFY (sig)
Irwin VAUGH (sig)
The above named Peter DUFFY Maketh
oath and saith he is a
subscribing witness to the Deed of
which the above writing purports to be a ........
as also to the above Memorial and
saith he saw said James VAUGH the executing party
thereto duly sign seal and execute
the said deed and memorial and saith the name
Peter DUFFY subscribed as
a witness to the said deed and the above memorial is the
Deponants proper name and hand writing
sworn before me at Castlerea in the County
of Roscommon this 10th day of July March 1809 by
Peter DUFFY virtue of a commission to me directed for taking affids
in said County and I know the Deponant