Mormon film number 0535736
Year 1797 Vol 506 Page 580 Entry 334364
To the Regr appd by act of Parll for Regg Deeds soforth
A mem'l of an indentd Deed of lease bear'g date the third day of March
one thousand seven hund'd and ninety eight made between Ja's BRADOCK of
gragle in the Co of Leitrim and Marg't BRADOCK or'wise ARMSTRONG his
of the first part Ja's VAUGH of Leitrim and Tho's CONOLY of Ballymanor
in the Co of Leitrim Gent' Trustees nam'd in the marriage settlemt of the S'd
OCK and Marg't his wife of the second part and Jonathan CONOLY
of the city of
Dublin Gent of the third reciting that the s'd Ja's BRADOCK and Marg't
his wife by
and with the consent of the s'd Ja's VAUGH and Tho's CONOLY testified
by their signing
and executd s'd deed in consider'n of the Cov's in s'd deed Ment'd did devise
setunto the s'd Jonathan CONOLY all that and those the Towns and Lands
of Drumkee
lan or'wise Drumkeonlanbeg situate in the parish of Kiltoghert and Co of
Leitrim from the first day of Nov last for and dur'g the nat'l life and lives
Bernard CONOLY youngest son of Thos CONOLY party to s'd Deed Char's
PEYTON first
son of W'm PEYTON of --eshcargan in s'd Co of Leitrim Gent and Jonathan
the lessor therein Nam'd at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds Ster'g payable
as in s'd
Deed and the sd Ja's VAUGH and Tho's CONOLY cove'd on their part
and for their....
and ap's that s'd Jonathan CONOLY perfprm'g the cov's in s'd Deed and
adjoining the
s'd ten't shpuld dur'g the term thereby devised quietly have held and enjoy
s'd prem's and which s'd deed and this mem'l is witnessed as to the execut'g
by the s'd Ja's BRADOCK and Marg't his wife Ja's VAUGH
and Tho's CONOLY by Nath'e
MONTGOMERY of the City of Dublin all Sol' Conv'y and Myles LYONS of
Leitrim in s'd Co
of Leitrim Gent Ja's BRADOCK (seal) Marg't BRODOCK (seal) Ja's
VAUGH (seal)
Tho's CONOLY (seal) sign'd seal'd and deliv'd in presance of Nath'e
LYONS. The above named Natn'e MONTGOMERY maketh oath and sayeth that
is a sub'g witness to the deed of lease of which the above writ'g is a mem'l
The execut'g thereof by the above nam'd Ja's BRADOCK and Marg't
his wife Ja's
VAUGH and Tho's CONOLY and is also sub'g witness to this mem'l
and dep't sayeth
he did see the above mem'l Ja's BRADOCK Marg't his wife Ja's VAUGH
and Tho's
CONOLY duly sig'd seal and executed the s'd deed of lease and this mem'l
and that
the name Nath'l MONTGOMERY sub'd as a witness to the s'd deed annd this
mem'l is the
dep't name and hand writ'g Nath'e MONTGOMERY sworn before me at Ballyconell
in the Co of Cavan this 10th day of March 1798 by virtue of a commisssion to
me directed
in the County and I know the Dep't Edw'd WHITLEY Com'r