Transcript of a deed from the Registry of Deeds Dublin.
1809 Vol 607 page 459 entry 417189
To the Registrar appointed by act of Parliament for registering Deeds &
soforth A memorial of an indented deed of conveyance bearing date the first
day of march one thousand eight hundred and nine and made between James VAUGH
of Castlerea in the County of Roscommon esquire of the one part and James
VAUGH junior and Irwin VAUGH both of Faun in the County of Leitrim
Gentleman Sons of the said James VAUGH of the other part whereby after
reciting as is therein recited the said Indenture witnessed that the said James
VAUGH for the consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain sell assign
Transfer and set over release and confirm unto the said James VAUGH and
Irwin VAUGH (in their actual possession then being as therein mentioned
reciting a lease for a year) and to their heirs & assigns All that the Town
and Lands of Aughrin situate in Balnegleragh and County of Leitrim Containing
by estimation five hundred & forty three acres of arable pasture and mountain
plantation measure be the same more or less also that part of the Town &
Lands of Lower Drumahearney then or formerly in possession of James Gill
Dominick Gill John Ferrall Hugh Berrine Michael McDermott Roe and the widow
Milie situate in the Barony and County of Leitrim containing forty eight
acres plantation measure be the same more or less also all that the Town and
Lands known by the name of Ballygast situate on the Grand Road leading from
Ballinamore to Carrick on Shannon Parish of Kiltohert and County of Leitrim
aforesaid in as full and ample a manner as then lately held & occupied by
said James VAUGH at the rate of fifteen shillings and six pence by the
acre also all that part of the lands of Faun also part of the Lands of Carrickauirell
in as full and ample manner as Andrew Granly then held same annexed on
the side of John Keon by the river James Moore on the west and
by the road on the north side adjoining the lands of Ballygrait in the parish
of Killogist Barony and County of Leitrim and containing forty two acres two
roods and fourteen perches plantation measure and also all that the two tenements
Gardens and Parks formerly held and enjoyed by Charles Cooper and Michael
Leard and their assigns in the town of Leitrim situate in the County and
Barony of Leitrim aforesaid to hold unto the said James VAUGH and Irwin
VAUGH their Heirs Executors Admons and assigns from thenceforth for and
during the rest residue and remainder of the several and respective Terms for
lives and years by the several therein recited indentures of lease granted then
to come and unexpired save and .............................................................................................
except that partof said Lands of Drumhearney demised by said James VAUGH
to John VAUGH and also to hold that part of said lands of Drumhearney
so demised by said James VAUGH to said John VAUGH unto the said
James VAUGH and Irwin VAUGH and the survivor of them & their
assigns and the assigns of such survivor for and during the Terms of the said
James VAUGH senior (Party thereto) subject to the payment of the several
and respective yearly rents reserved and made payable by the several and respective
therein recited Indentures of lease and to the performance of the several and
respective clauses & covenants therein contained & which on the Tenant
or lessees part are and ought to be paid done and performed which said deed
& this memorial are witnessed by
Signed and Sealed in presence of 607 459
James VAUGH (Sig & Seal)
Peter Duffy (Sig)
Mich Stubbs (Sig)
The above named Peter Duffy Maketh oath and saith he is a Subscribing
witness to the Deed of which the above writing purports to be a a memorial and
saith he is also a subscribing witness to the above Memorial and saith he saw
said Deed and Memorial duly signed and Executed by said James VAUGH the
executing party thereto and saith the name Peter Duffy Subscribed as
a witness to the said deed and Memorial is this deponants proper name and handwriting
Sworn before me at Castlerea in the County of Roscommon Peter Duffy this
first day of February March 1809 by virtue of a commission to me directed for
taking Affidavits in said County and I know the deponant