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1802 vol 551 page 83 entry 362252.

To the registrar appointed by act of parliament for registering of deeds and so forth
A memorial of an indented deed of lease bearing date the first day of May in the year of
of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine and made between James
of the town of Sligo of the one part and Eliz'th FARRALL alias VAUGH of Drumhearney of the
other part whereby the said James VAUGH did demise to the said Elizabeth FARRALL
alias VAUGH all that and those in as free and ample a manner as she at present enjoys it
being part of the lands of lower Drumhearney now in possion of said Eliz'th FARRALL and
according to the mears and bounds by which she now holds and enjoys the same situate
lying and being in the Barony and County of Leitrim & containing three acres by the same
more or less to hold the same for and during the natural life of the said James
VAUGH to commence from the said first day of May one thousand seven hundred and
ninety nine at the yearly rent of six shillings net payable half yearly which said
indenture of lease is witnessed by James WALPOLE of Turla(?) and William REYNOLDS of Shan-
lullaulane(?) both in the County of Rosscommon farmers and this memorial is also witnessed by the
said William REYNOLDS and William CALLENOM ? of Tokymore (?) in the County of Leitrim Gent'n
                            (Tanymre) ?
Signed and sealed                             Elizabeth X FARRALL (seal)
in the presence of                                 Mark
Will .........
The above named William REYNOLDS maketh oath that he saw the above
named James VAUGH & Elizabeth FARRALL alias VAUGH duly seal and
execute the deed of lease of which the above writing is a memorial and
also saw the said Elizabeth FARRALL alias VAUGH duly sign and seal this
(signed)    memorial and that this depon't is a subscribing witness to said deed and
William REYNOLDS     memorial and that the name William REYNOLDS subscribed as a witness to said
deed and memorial is this depon'ts name and his own proper handwriting
Sworn before me at Carrick on Shannon on the
10th tenth day of August 1802 by virtue of a
commission to me directed for taking affidavits
in the County and I know the depon't

            (signed) Will'm LITTLE

   © Doug Vaugh, England 13 January 2000                  Deeds index