1810 vol 636 page 529 entry number 439346
To the Registrar Appointed by act of Parliment for
Registering Deeds Leases Assignments and Soforth
A Memorial of a Deed of Lease Bearing date the Tenth
day of February One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eight by
and Between James VAUGH and William VAUGH Whereby the
said James VAUGH did Devise and Let to the said William
VAUGH Two Acres One Rood or there abouts with its Appo
rtimanies of the Lands of Lours Drumhearny situate in the
Parish of Kiltoghert Barony and County of Leitrim for and
During the natural life or lives of the said William VAUGH
and James VAUGH his son or the Longest survivor of them
subject to the Yearly rent of Two pence Per Acre which Deed of Lease
was duly Executed in the Presence of John VAUGH and Myles
LYONS who Became subscribing Witnesses thereto and in said
Indenture of Lease Are Contained the usual Claus and Covanants
Depending Between Landlord and Tenant and is Directed to be Rege
stered at the Especial Instance and Request of the Leasor
Myles LYONS (sig)
John VAUGH (sig) 636 529 Wm VAUGH (sig)
John VAUGH of Leitrim Town in the County of Leitrim Gent
Maketh oath and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the deed of Lease
of which the above is a Memorial and that he saw same Duly Executed
and further Deposeth that he is a subscribing Witness to the Mem
orial and saw same Duly Executed and that the name John VAUGH
hereunto subscribed is deponants proper name and Handwrighting
John VAUGH (sig) Sworn before me at Carrick on Shannon in the
County of Leitrim this 3d Day of September 1811
by Virtue of a commission to me Directed for taking
Affs in the County and I know
this Deponant Willm LITTLE (sig)