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1810 vol 636 page 530 entry number 439348

To the Registrar Appointed By Act of Parliment for Registering
Deeds Leases Assignments Conveyances and Soforth

A Memorial of a Deed of Assignment or Conveyance Bearing
date the Fifteenth Day of June in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Seven Made and Executed by and Between
James VAUGH of Drumhearny in the County of Leitrim and John
VAUGH of Leitrim Town in said County of Leitrim Whereby
the said James VAUGH Did for the Certain Considerations in said
Deed Mentioned Assign Transfer And Convey to the said John
VAUGH and his Heirs Lawfully Begotten all the said James VAUGH's
right title and Interest in and to the Lands of upper
Drumhearny situate Lying and Being in the Parish of Kiltoghert Barony
and County of Leitrim Subject to the Several payments and R_______
in said Deed Mentioned which was Executed in due form in the Presence
of Daniel McHUGH and Myles LYONS who Became subscribing Witne
sses thereto and in said Deed are Contained the Necesary Covanants as by Law
Required and is to be Registered at the Especial Instance of the Assigns
Myles LYONS (sig)
Danl McHUGH (sig) 636 530 James VAUGH (sig & seal)

Daniel McHUGH of the Town of Leitrim in the County of Leitrim
Potter Maketh Oath and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the Deed
of conveyance of which the above is a Memorial and that he saw the same
Duly Executed and further Deposeth that he is a subscribing Witness
to the Memorial and saw the same Duly Executed and that the name
Daniel McHUGH hereunto subscribed is Deponants proper name and Handw
Sworn before me at Carrick on Shannon in the
Danl McHUGH (sig) County of Leitrim this 17th Day of June 1807
by virtue of a commission to me directed for
taking affidavits in the County and I know
this Deponant Willm LITTLE (sig)

   © Doug Vaugh, England 13 January 2000                  Deeds index