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1873 vol 7 entry number 37   HOUGHTON VAUGH to WILTON VAUGH.

To the registry appointed for registering deeds

A memorial for a deed of conveyance bearing date 15th February in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy three and made between HOUGHTON VAUGH of Leitrim in the county of Leitrim gent of the first part JAMES VAUGH of Leitrim in the county of Leitrim gentleman of the second part and WILTON VAUGH of Leitrim in the county of Leitrim gentleman in the third part whereby after reciting as therein the said HOUGHTON VAUGH and JAMES VAUGH for the consideration therein according to their several and respectful interests there in did grant bargain sell assign transfer and make over alien release and confirm unto the said WILTON VAUGH his heirs and assigns all that and theirs in part of the lands of Tullyannan other wise Lismore late in the possession of Dr SELWIN and now in the possession of ROBERT LAWRDENT as from year to year and containing twelve acres more or less situate in the barony and county of Leitrim and the revisions and remainders yearly and other rents issues and profits therein and all the estate right title interest property and claim and demand what so ever both at law and in equity of them the said HOUGHTON VAUGH and JAMES VAUGH their heirs or assigns successors the same to hold for ever subject to a certain annuity as therein the said deed contains the usual covenants which said deed and this memorial as to the execution thereof by HOUGHTON VAUGH are respectfully witnessed by MARK BALLARD of York Terrace in the city of Dublin gentleman and WILLIAM WHITTON of number 18 Little Gardener Street in the city of Dublin solicitor and said deed and this memorial as to the due execution thereof respectfully by name JAMES VAUGH are respectfully witnessed by GEORGE VAUGH and WILLIAM IRWIN both of Leitrim in the county of Leitrim gentleman HOUGHTON VAUGH (seal) JAMES VAUGH (seal) signed and sealed by HOUGHTON VAUGH in the presence of us MARK BALLARD WILLIAM WHITTON signed and sealed by JAMES VAUGH in the presence of us GEORGE VAUGH WILLIAM IRWIN GEORGE VAUGH of Leitrim in the county of Leitrim farmer aged 30 years and upwards maketh oath and said he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the within is a memorial and also the said memorial and said that he saw the said deed and this memorial respectfully duly executed by JAMES VAUGH party thereof and the same GEORGE VAUGH etc etc Sworn before me this 8th day of February 1873 at Carrick on Shannon in the county of Leitrim by virtue of a commission to me directed forth out of her majesties court of chancery in Ireland for taking affidavits in and for the said county of Leitrim the words in the possession of ROBERT LAWRDERT as tenant from year to year being interlined between ninth and tenth lines and I know the deponent THOMAS RUTHERFORD master exty ?? the within named WILLIAM WHITTON maketh oath and said that he subscribed witness to the deed of which the within is a memorial and also the said memorial and oath that he saw the said deed and this memorial respectfully duly executed by HOUGHTON VAUGH party there as and that the names WILLIAM WHITTON signed as witness that etc etc the registry of deeds South Henrietta Street in the county of Dublin on Wednesday the nineteenth day of February 1873 at or near forty five minutes after three o'clock.

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