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1839 vol 21 page 169

A memorial of the indented deed of assignment bearing date the nineteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine made between ANN VAUGH alias HOUGHTON widow and GEORGE VAUGH farmer her eldest son both of Leitrim in the county of Leitrim on the one part and LAUNCELOT VAUGH of Grange and JOHN VAUGH of Enrissorn!! both in the county of Sligo sub constables of police of the other part with said deed stated that the said ANNE VAUGH alias HOUGHTON as one of the daughters of the late WILLIAM HOUGHTON her father became upon his death secured in fee or freehold or among other the lands of Tullylunmin alias Lismore in the county of Leitrim and she inter married with WILLIAM VAUGH who died in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty six leaving his widow GEORGE LAUNCELOT and JOHN VAUGH other children _________ that the said GEORGE VAUGH became entitled to the said lands upon the death of the said ANNE VAUGH and that the said ANNE VAUGH and GEORGE VAUGH had agreed to assign and continue to the said LAUNCELOT VAUGH and JOHN VAUGH that part of the lands of Tullylunmin henceforth ?? hence before ?? pastiaularly or so described order searched ? said indenture witnessed that in consideration of the sum of ten shillings ________ to them the said ANNE and GEORGE VAUGH in hand paid the receipt wherein was thereby acknowledged and also in consideration and of the ________ loan love and affection which they the said ANNE and GEORGE VAUGH bear towards the said LAUNCELOT and JOHN VAUGH they the said ANNE VAUGH and GEORGE VAUGH assigning to there several and separate interests therein granted bargained and sold transferred and made over unto them the said LAUNCELOT VAUGH and JOHN VAUGH in there actual poperin ? there being by nature of a certain indenture of bargain and sale then created and to his heirs and adjoining that all and these that part of the land of Tullylunmin alias Lismore as then in the actual possession of Doctor Seluin containing twelve acres with the same more or less and situate in the barony of Leitrim and county of Leitrim and in the possession _______________________ yearly and after the events __________________ thereof and all the estate and interest of said estate of them the said ANNE VAUGH and GEORGE VAUGH their heirs and assigns after and ______________ to hold the same thereby granted and assigned lands and premises _______ with the apartments unto them the said LAUNCELOT VAUGH and JOHN VAUGH their heirs and assigns from and immediately after the decease of the said ANNE VAUGH party thereto for ever there after which said deed and this memorial as to the ____________ thereof by the said ANNE VAUGH GEORGE VAUGH and LAUNCELOT VAUGH is witnessed by GEORGE HUNTER and THOMAS McKEON both of the town and county of Sligo ANNE VAUGH (seal) GEORGE VAUGH (seal) LAUNCELOT VAUGH (seal) signed sealed and delivered in the presence of GEORGE HUNTER THOMAS McKEON sealed GEORGE HUNTER Sligo in the county of Sligo dated agreed upwards of 21 years marked the oath and said that by this deponent is _____________ of the deed of which this assigned writing and duly executed by the said ANNE GEORGE and LAUNCELOT VAUGH and that the name GEORGE HUNTER __________ as a witness of the said deed and they and the memorial is _________ the proper name and as writing before me.
2 November 1839 by nature of a contract to me ______ of his majesties court of chancery for taking affidavits in and for said county etc

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