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1834 vol 19 entry number 289

To the registry of deeds appended by act of parliament for the registering of deeds wills conveyances and soforth.

A memorial of the indenture of the indented deed of marriage settlement bearing date the seventh day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty four between WILLIAM BURNE KEON of Armofield Lodge in the County of Roscommon esquire of the first part GEORGE VAUGH of Castlerea in this county esquire the second part JOHN GRAY of Castlerea afore mentioned in the said county Esq and SOPHIA GREY his daughter of the third part JAMES GRAFTON DADRWELLE of Knock-hrney in the Co of Roscommon esquire and GEORGE DANSE_ _ _ _ LAWDEN of the city of Dublin (AWF) at law of the forth part NICHOLAS GRAY of Jamestown in the county of Wexford Esq and JAMES VAUGH of Drumdoding in the County of Roscommon Esq of the fifth part EDWARD FRAZER of Lessington_ _ _ _ in the city of Dublin gent of the sixth part and WILLIAM MOSTYN (MOSTIN) FRAZER of Lessington in the county and city of Dublin gent attorney at law the seventh part whereby after reciting the said WILLIAM BURNE KEON (received or) well entitled as tenant in tailed in possession of the lands of Arnaghmore in Ballyglass Keonfield situate in the barony of Ballintubber in the county of Roscommon and intended to be thereby granted and leased with the apartment and further erecting a messuarge have been agreed upon and was intended to be shortly had and solemised between the said WILLIAM BURNE and the said SOPHIA GREY and further stating the said GEORGE VAUGH was proposed at the settlement to the farm and lands of Ballinglass and Keonfield being part of the lands where in the said WILLIAM BURNE KEON was served and prepared before said residue of a term of years which would expire on or about the 1st of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and had then in his possession a quantity of cattle and other goods thereon that the said GEORGE VAUGH had proposed to give the sum of one thousand three hundred and twenty pounds etc and signed his content with the farm and lands of Ballinglass aforesaid with all these stated thereon as settlement in a schedule to said

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