1812 vol 651 page 382 entry number 450240 IRWIN VAUGH to MAGUIRE
To the ________________ appointed by act of parliament to the testator appointed
by act of parliament for taking deeds and conveyances etc etc ___________ ______
__________ by deed of interchange _________________ the first of November 1811
made and executed between IRWIN VAUGH of Fawn (Mar 95) in the county
of Leitrim
gent of Leitrim to JOHN MAGUIRE of Drumehernie in the said county whereby
the said
IRWIN VAUGH did bargain and grant to the said JOHN MAGUIRE one
annuity or yearly
rent charge for the sum of twenty pounds yearly and each year until the sum of
forty one pounds seven shillings and eight pence be fully paid and discharged
said annuity to be owing ensuing stating and payable out of the several towns and
lands of upper and lower Ayhim ?? Ballygast ?? town two houses and parts and
fields now once these two belonging in the town of Leitrim all said lands and
houses plots and premises are situated in the barony and county of Leitrim and
in said deed of discharge are granted and accepted the usual clauses and
covenants necessary therein and is ___________ by me for ______ and freely ____
IRWIN VAUGH (seal) signed and sealed in the presence of MILES LYONS
MILES LYONS of Leitrim town in the county of Leitrim maketh oath and
seal that
he is __________ of which the above _________ is _______ and so on and so forth