1785 vol 368 page 168 entry number 246622
To the registrar appointed etc etc register of deeds and convey
ances and so forth a memorial of indenture deeds of lease and
release the release being dated and executed the third day of May
in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty
five and made between CATHERINE VAUGH of the said town of Kinsale
in the county of Cork widow the only surviving spouse and heiress
at law of RICHARD BRIDGES formally of the town of Kinsale afore
said gent deceased and JOHN VAUGH of the said town of Kinsale
nailer eldest son and heir of the said CATHERINE VAUGH of the one
part and JAMES HOWE of the said town of Kinsale cooper of the
other part the said CATHERINE and JOHN VAUGH did for and in
consideration of the sum of one hundred and eighty eight eleven
shillings and three pence set to them in hand paid for the said
JOHN ? HOWE GRANT bargain sell assign release and confirm unto
the said JAMES HOWE all that and those there several houses and
grounds apartments situate in or near the market place of the
said town of Kinsale here in after mentioned and described that
is to say the dwelling house stable brew houses ground and o
fices there to belonging situate at the corner of the lane lead
ing to and mear..anging down to the market key in the said town
which are formally in the tenancy and occupation of PRUDENCE WOOD
widow deceased whereon THOMAS FITZGERALD of the said town inn
keeper hath built several new houses and _________ these two
belonging which are now in the tenancy and occupation of ROBERT
CHELAN and others the dwelling in the tenancy of TIM YCENTHY ?
shop keeper also the dwelling house in the tenancy and occupation
of CORNELIUS SULLIVAN shopkeeper the dwelling house now in the
tenancy of ABLE HASKEST shopkeeper and the dwelling house now in
the tenancy of JOHN CARTHY shopkeeper which said several houses
grounds and premises are held by the said CATHERINE VAUGH and
JOHN VAUGH under present Lord Viscount Elyford of Kingsweston
Gloucestershire in the Kingdom of Great Britain by virtue of a
lease for the three lives renewable for now at the yearly rent of
two pounds str which said deed of release witnessed by JOHN HOWE
and JAMES ROCHE of Kinsale aforesaid esquire and THOMAS FITZGER
ALD of Kinsale aforesaid innkeeper and their is also witnessed by
the said JAMES ROCHE and JOSIAH DUNN of the city of Dublin gent
CATHERINE VAUGH (seal) signed and sealed in the presence of JAMES
ROCHE THOMAS DUNN the above named JAMES ROCHE maketh oath that
saw the deed whence of the above writing is a memorial duly
executed by the above named CATHERINE VAUGH and JOHN VAUGH and
also the above named CATHERINE VAUGH duly executed the above
memorial and that the above memorial and that the name JAMES
ROCHE subscribed as a witness to the said deed and memorial is/as
? deponents named and proposed hand writing of JAMES ROCHE sworn
before me at Kinsale in the county of Cork on the 20th day of May
1785 by virtue of a bargain forth of his majesties court of
equerry in Ireland to me directed for taking applications and
___________ affidavits and S________ the deponent codicil